Chapter 7 official!

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Nothing really changed.  Just made it canon. :)


?? Years ago

A young boy and girl dash desperately through the dense forest, the silhouette relentlessly chasing after them. 

"Run! Don't look back!" The boy abruptly stops. 

"What are you doing?" The girl demands, glancing back with concern etched on her face. 

"하휸." The boy hugs the girl tightly. "다시 만날 때까지." With a push, he forces her to the ground. The girl begins to dematerialize into shimmering dark blue light. 

"NO!" Desperately reaching out, the girl narrowly misses grabbing her brother's hand. In a heart-wrenching moment, she completely dissolves, leaving the boy to face the approaching figure alone. 

Present Time



001 looks into the mirror. He couldn't help but wonder.

With the pull of a lever, an endless water supply would come pouring from a faucet. With the flick of a switch, light would illuminate the room from bulbs overhead.
Back in Red Cell, only the top most important people would have access to this luxury. He was in the grey area, not one of the most important officers, not cannon fodder.

Yet here at Rhodes Island, everyone had equal access to this splendor. Abundant food, water, electricity, medical supplies and so much more. As if here, everyone was important...

"This changes nothing." 001 goes back to his boxes where he rummaged through his weapons until he finds a leather holster. Unbuckling the cover, 001 pulled out the .44 Magnum, Colt Anaconda. A name was etched on the worn but still glossy barrel.


"Seems that he knew." 001 spun the gun on his finger. "Kalt'sit..."

001 loads the revolver. He takes another good look at the name engraved on the barrel.


Loading the last round into the cylinder, he snaps it shut.

"It's time."


Continuing from Chapter 6

"Your move is quite bold Kal'tsit." Ch'en crossed her legs and takes a sip of coffee. Her eye bags were more defined than usual. "Tell me. What do you plan to do with him?"

"He is dangerous." Kal'tsit stood from her chair, and looks out the window with her hands intertwined behind her back. "That is why I have him on a leash."

Kal'tsit paused in deep thought. "But that doesn't mean he will turn around and bite me."

Ch'en stood, pressing for answers. "You haven't addressed my question. What is your plan?"

Kal'tsit sighed deep thought. "I need something to use as leverage 

"And that is?" Ch'en inquired.

Kal'tsit turned to Ch'en with a grim look on her face. 

"His sister."

Ch'en leaned forward in her chair, her usual impassive face is perked with interest. "You know how to find her?"

"No..." Kal'tsit groped for words. "However, most of my findings originate from a variety of forests in Ursus."


There was a knock at the door, and both Ch'en and Kal'tsit freeze.

"Come in." Kal'tsit called cautiously. An L.G.D. agents steps in.

"Madam Ch'en, you have a call from Miss Hoshiguma."


Ch'en reached into her pocket and picked out the photo that Kal'tsit gave her. 

"This is her?"

"That would be correct."

"Pretty one." Hoshiguma passed the photo back to Ch'en

"I'd love to help where I can, but even I know we'll need way  more than just a vintage photo to know where to look."

"How about the entirety of Ursus. Will that suffice?"

Hoshiguma chuckled. "Ursus is the largest country in the world! Trying to find one person there will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack!"

"A haystack of snow and pine forests." Ch'en grumbled.

"I'll second that." Hoshiguma snorted.

Ch'en sighed, as she pocketed the photo once more. 

"Say that we find this girl." Hoshiguma amused. "What are you gonna do with her?"

Ch'en hesitated. "I'll hand her over to Kal'tsit."

"And then?" 

"...I don't know."


A deafening sonic boom echoes across the Barrenlands as a SU-57/F-22-like aircraft speeds overhead.

Altitude! Altitude!
Approaching Target Point!
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Altitude! Altitude!

Bitching Betty bitches in his ears as 001 arms the CCRP ballistic computer "Viper approaching target point."

"Copy Viper. Send it, out."

001 ignited the afterburner. The aircraft surged forward, the speedometer ticking upwards to Mach 2. Inverting the plane, he pulled a Split-S maneuver. The ground rushed to meet him as he leveled the aircraft, vapor forming on the top of the aircraft's fuselage as the AOA increases. Grunting as the HUD read 10.5 Gs, 001 levelled off.

Following the CCRP, 001 presses the weapon release button as he approaches the target. The aircraft enters the release point and with bomb release permission, the CCRP drops the aircraft's payload automatically. The aircraft bucks upward as the weight of the bombs is released, the Fly-by-wire system autonomously adjusts the flight control surfaces to correct the flight path to the intended direction.

As the aircraft speeds by, the sky behind him flashes with a bright orange.

"Direct hit. Target destroyed."



Operator: 001
Trust increased! (Not really, but here's a dialogue!)

Talk #1

"Thank you for your offer, but I am not lonely Doctor. I'd rather remain distant from you and your operators. Death strikes indiscriminately... and I have more to do than weep over the body another dead friend.


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