001 Rhodes Island Operator File

342 10 4

Operator: 001

Gender: Male

Combat experience: Undisclosed

Place of Birth: Undisclosed

Date of Birth: Unknown

Race: Unidentified and Undisclosed

Height: 190cm

Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. As this time, this Operator is believed to be non-infected.
However abnormal shadows have been detected and other unknown anomalies have been detected. Medical has been advised to investigate.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator 001 showed no symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.13u/L
Operator 001 was often deployed to areas with concentrated Originium in the past, but it has not caused infection to date.

Physical Exam

Physical Strength: Excellent

Mobility: Yes

Physical Resilience: Excellent

Tactical Acumen: Exceptional

Combat Skill: Exceptional

Originium Arts Assimilation: Refused Test

[Class, Archetype, and Stats undisclosed]

- Can be placed on Ranged tiles
- Can block 4 enemies
- Attacks from all weapons have a small chance to deal double damage.
- Capable of changing Attack Priorities in operator lineup.

Weapons: (Limited to two weapons; weapons can be changed in the operator lineup)

- Attack pattern similar to Operator Exusiai
- Attacks in 3 round bursts
- 550 RPM
- Atk per Bullet = 105% of ATK
Recommended for Normal enemy Crowd Control
(Attacks will typically not be powerful enough to take on Bosses)

E0 Sig Sauer MG 338
- 600-750 RPM
- Rate of Fire will increase with continued firing
- Atk per Bullet = 110% of Atk
Recommended for Crowd Control

E1 M82A1 Anti-Material Rifle
- 100 RPM
- Atk per Bullet = 150% of Atk
- Bonus 20% Dmg against Aerial Units
- Bonus 20% Dmg against Normal Enemies
- Attacks have a small chance to knock back Normal enemies 1 tile, and/or Stun Normal enemies (including aerial units)
Recommended as Anti-Air Sniper or Heavyshooter

E2 FGM-148 Javelin (Laser Modification)
- 30 RPM
- Attacks from FGM-148 will knock back small enemies 1-2 tiles and/or Stun Normal enemies for 1-3 seconds. Attacks have a chance to knock back Boss Enemies 1/2 tiles and/or stun Boss Enemies for 0.5 seconds.
- Deals Physical, Explosive Aoe, and Fire DoT Dmg in a 3x3 tile area.
-Shrapnel can hit nearby enemies in a 5x5 area, dealing minor Physical Dmg and/or minor DoT. Obstacles can stop shrapnel.
Recommended for Crowd Control and Boss Hunting
Strongly Recommended to pair FGM-148 with another fast firing weapon due to it's slow RPM.

Skills (Stock stats):

E0 skill "Trigger Discipline"

- Decreases ATK SPD by -15% but increases ATK by +50%
- Charge by "Per second"
- Manual Trigger
- Infinite Duration
- Can be Cancelled

E1 skill "No party without Arty"

- If a group of 2 enemies are in 001's range and have more than 30% HP, 001 throws a grenade at the enemy dealing AoE damage 250% of 001's ATK
- Charge by "Per second"
- Charge 3 seconds
- Auto Trigger

E2 skill "Danger Close"

- When skill is activated, a point can be set anywhere on the map. When the point is set, 001 fires a flare at the designated point and calls in an AC-130.
- AC-130 will prioritize ground enemies within range around the flare.
- If AC-130 attacks enemies that are nearby allies, allies may be damaged by AoE damage.
- 105mm fires at 12 RPM. 3x3 Dmg area. Center deals  500% of 001's ATK. In the area around the center, deals AoE Dmg equal to 300% of 001's ATK.
- 40mm chain gun fires at 120-140 RPM. Deals Physical and Explosive Dmg in 1x1 Area equal to 300% of 001's ATK.
- M61 Vulcan cannon fires at 6,000 RPM. Deal 200% of 001's Atk. However it is inaccurate. Bursts spread around a 2x2 area. Although the occasional bullet spreads around the 3x3 area. But the inaccuracy is negligible due to it's "accuracy by volume".
- Charge by "Per Second"
- Killing enemies can generate SP
- SP 60
- 40 second skill duration.

Archive Files Unlockable Later


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