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Hello my little sunshines :) I AM HERE YAY alsO, yeah uhm enjoy have great dayy

Quackity remembered the stars.

They were an escape from the yelling. Sitting underneath their withering stare he would blanket himself in his wings. It was a silent embrace, meant only for himself. Sometimes he felt it. The concern of something- someone. But he'd press back bitterly, angrily, and it would stop. He'd look up at the cold, endless cosmos and know he was lost. He didn't want to be found.

Quackity hated the stars.


Quackity didn't know what time it was when he woke up. It was far too early, that he was certain of. The night was still dark, the shining stars and brilliant moon providing just enough light to see outside the window. He was warm, and for once in his life, at ease. He wanted so badly to fall asleep, but there was a problem. He could feel weight atop his hair and around his chest. Quackity had to fight to keep his eyes open, tilting his head the slightest bit upward to see what was above him.

A mop of brown hair, dyed at the ends with an array of colors was all he needed to see. He knew behind the closed eyes was a soft hazel, and somehow, someway, those arms had wrapped their way around him. Quackity took a shaky breath, not quite used to the contact. His heartbeat quickened. On instinct the duck went to wrap his wings around himself, but then he noticed they would not budge.. They were draped across the multi-colored hoodie of his soulmate. It was protective, pulling him ever closer. Quackity didn't recall when he'd done that.

It was a normal night. Quackity had been shuffling his deck or getting some work done, planning to head to his room soon after. Then Karl had appeared, begging for them to go star gazing together. Apparently there was supposed to be a meteor shower. He remembered complaining as the two moved the couch in front of the window for a more comfortable view. He hadn't seen a point in it. It was a waste of time, there was no gain in watching the stars. They only brought bad memories.

He hadn't dared to tell his soulbound that though. He couldn't stand the thought of being the reason the whirlwind of color was upset. Karl had said he wanted Quackity to see it. He wanted him to make a wish on a falling star. It was something Karl did as a child, a tradition of sorts. Each time he caught one, his wish was to finally have met his soulmate.. To meet Quackity. The duck couldn't say no to that.

So the two of them waited.

And waited.

And waited...



Quackity almost didn't hear him. It had been so soft, heavy with sleep still trying to pull Karl back in. Yet it was hard to ignore the gentle encompassing hand that had grabbed Quackity's trembling fist. It was slow, prying softly until the two ended up threading fingers. He wasn't shaking after that. Quackity breathed deeply, his gaze drifting back out the window. He felt his hand being moved, now resting against Karl's chest. Underneath it lay his rune. His soulmark, entwining the twos fate. A rush of affection coursed through him, but Quackity wasn't sure if it was his own, or the bond he had with Karl.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

The term was so domestic. Karl probably hadn't even realized he'd said it. He sounded like he was about to pass out, then and there. The brunette was still half asleep, his eyes lidded and head resting against Quackity's own. His arms still encased the avian in a feather light hold, coaxing him closer. Quackity did not fight it, sinking into the touch instead.

Where Karl's hand had once held his own, Quackity now laid his head. He could hear his soulmate's heartbeat. Strong, steady, present. His hands dug softly into Karl's hoodie, pratically screaming he would not be going anywhere anytime soon. His wings cocooned the other, ensuring his whirlwind was just as warm as he was. Karl's hold had shifted too. He could feel his soulmate's arms tucked underneath his wings just right so they could rest on the center of his back.. Where his rune was. Quackity wanted to cry, but an overwhelming surge of comfort from their bond kept him grounded.

"It's nothing.." Quackity whispered, on the off chance Karl really had fallen back to sleep. "Go back to bed, Whirlwind."

A quiet acknowledging hum answered Quackity before he felt Karl's weight grow heavy again. He must have been exhausted, forced out of his sleep from Quackity thinking too much. The duck avian sighed, nuzzling his head underneath Karl's while facing the window. His timing couldn't have been more perfect. It started as one, then two, but soon an entire sky of falling stars began to fill Quackity's vision. The duck could barely keep his eyes open at this point, counting each steak of light as it sailed through the air. At some point he remembered Karl asking him to make a wish, losing count.

Quackity wished it could be like this forever.

The avian pratically melted as a wave of affection, adoration and love poured over him. Even in Karl's sleep, he was taking care of him. Just like he always had.. Quackity couldn't be more thankful. He didn't know if he was returning it, but judging by the way a soft sigh passed Karl's lips, he was sure his soulmate knew. Once the last star fell, leaving the night still once more, Quackity allowed his eyes to close too.


Quackity remembered the stars.

They were the light in a seemingly endless darkness. Sitting underneath their adoring stare, he flourished. Wrapped in a hold so warm not even harshest winters could refreeze his once cold heart. It was an embrace meant for the two of them. Sometimes he could feel the blooming adoration, and ever so slowly, he would return it. He'd look up at the vast, wondrous cosmos and know he was found.

Quackity loved the stars, especially the one that had fallen for him.

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