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Basically, Tommy gets tired and kills himself.

Tw!!: self harm, suicide. Do NOT try this home!
Be safe :))


1:14 AM.
Tommy sits at his kitchen table, a glass of water filled with salt. He's contemplating whether he should drink it or not. Who would miss him if he did? 'Who would care.' He thinks. Tears start to swell in his eyes. They fall down his cheek.

"Im pathetic.." He whispers to himself, wiping away his with the back of his hand. "I might as well hurt myself one last time." He sniffles.

He stands up and walks to his room, he sits on his bed getting a box from his shelf. The box contains mini blades, razors, daggers, and pieces of glass. He picks up a box cutter.

He rolls up his shorts and places the blade on his thigh, he swipes it. Creating small but deep cuts in his thigh, he winces in pain. Blood starts to drip from the cut.

He chuckles, doing it over and over and over again.

Later, his thigh is red and covered in cuts, big and small, thin and deep. He places the box cutter on his neck, his hand shaking. He swipes it, creating a thin line. A bit of blood leaks from the cut.

He stand up, his injured leg shaking. He begins to cry again, tears falling from his face. He goes to the kitchen and sits down at the table in front of the salt filled glass.

"This is it." He says, getting a piece of paper from his pocket. It's his suicide note. The note says how he is sorry and appreciates everyone that was in his life, but he's too tired to continue.

His heart aches, his stomach turns. He picks up the glass of water, puts it to his lips, and in three big gulps, he drinks it all.

His head begins to hurt, he puts his hand to his head, grabbing it in pain. He winces, everything is dizzy, he's confused.

He tries to stand up but collapses. He starts to cry again, breathing heavily.

Within a few minutes, he lies dead on the floor with a broke glass next to him.

The note on the table is signed with a smile face.

'I'm sorry, please forget me.'

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