Chapter 40- The Things We've Missed

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After searching the shell from top to bottom, we concluded that the only possible way out was through the golden gem in the ceiling, which also doubled as a window to the outside world. Now the only issue was finding a way to reach it. The five of us spend a few moments brainstorming until Varian has an idea. "I've got it!" He exclaims, slamming his fist into the palm of his hand. "We can form a human ladder! If we all stand on each other's shoulders we can reach that window no problemo." He proudly says.

Angry rolls her eyes. "That will never work. We aren't strong enough!"

I place my hand on Varian's shoulder and smile at him. "I say we try Var's idea. It's not like we have many other options."

"She has a point, Angry." Rapunzel agrees.

Varian chuckles. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

"We could fall and break our necks?" Angry flatly replies.

Varian blows it off. "Psssh, me, I've got it all worked out." He says, strutting over to Rapunzel and pulling her over a few feet so she's standing directly under the window. "I'm gonna climb onto Rapunzel's shoulders, and then (Yn) can climb onto mine. We'll keep doing it until one of us reaches the top."

We all follow Varian's orders and begin climbing into each other's shoulders until Catalina makes it to the top. "Keep her steady!" I call to Angry, carefully trying to balance her on my shoulders.

Catalina tries to peer through the jewel, grunting in annoyance as our human tower begins to wobble. "Well, what do you see?" Rapunzel asks from the bottom.

" looks like we're moving." The redhead reports.

"Where is Max taking us?" Varian asks.

"Ugh..." Catalina sighs. "Max isn't the one carrying us."

I chuckle dryly, hoping Catalina is playing some sort of sick joke. "What do you mean, 'Max isn't the one carrying us?'" I question. "Who else would be carrying us?"


We all let out a collective groan of annoyance.

"Hey, Catalina?" Rapunzel calls. "Do you think you could push that jewel out of its setting?"

"Oh yeah. Good idea." Varian nods, panic lacing his voice. "Good idea. If you can, you might be able to squeeze through that opening."

"Maybe then we can get Dwayne's attention!" I add.

"I'll give it a try." Catalina hopefully smiles and begins pushing the jewel with all her might. Our tower wobbles from the added pressure, and I wince as we almost topple over at one point. "It's in there pretty good!" The girl grunts.

"Keep trying! You can do it, Catalina!" I call up.

Catalina nods and continues pushing for a few minutes until we hear a small cracking sound coming from the rim of the gem. " it!" Catalina triumphantly cheers, pushing the jewel up.

"I knew you could do it!" I applaud.

"Great job Catalina!" My sister congratulates. "Can you fit through it?"

"I can try!" She slides her hand through the opening, but as her fingers leave the shell, they enlarge back to their normal size. Only when Catalina pulls her hand back into the shell, do they shrink down again. She dejectedly looks at her hand and takes her other hand off the rim of the shell to examine it, causing her to lose her balance.

Before she can react, we all go topping to the ground like a tower of wooden blocks. I groan as I fall headfirst into a pile of cushions. It's not the most uncomfortable landing ever, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. As I sit up, my hair goes cascading down my face, and I gasp in horror upon realizing that my hair had fallen out of its ponytail. My heart almost stops when I realize that I no longer have Varian's bandana securing my hair. Without hesitation, I begin digging through the mound of cushions like a dog digging for a bone, until I find the piece of red fabric. I sigh of relief leaves my lips and I pull my hair back into a ponytail. "Is everyone okay?" I call.

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