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  After we walked for a long time, we finally reached the capital. Edna was excited. This was because, this was the first time she met people. Soon after, Edna asked me where to go first. I said that  we need to check the journals in the palace. She even complained when she heard the word journal because she doesn't like to read too much writing.

  "Waaahhh... So, this is the Capital?! It's really big and lively!" said a very happy Edna.
  "You have never seen this many people? For me, this place is too crowded. It's hard to find peace," I told her.
  "Yes. I might get lost here. So, where do we want to go?" said Edna and then she asked me.
  "We will check all the journals in the palace," I said.
  "Eeehhh….  Journal!? I don't like to read too much," said Edna.
  "No, it's not that bad. They have arranged the journals in an orderly manner," I said.

  After that, I said that I will help him once. This is because it is my responsibility to kill all the devils. Not long after that, a soldier came from afar. Edna also asked about the soldier who came towards us. The group of knights continued walking and stopped because they happened to meet me. The lady knight asked me about my mission. I replied that we were going back using another road because of the incident.

  "After all, it is indeed my responsibility to kill every devil. So, my reeds will also help find information," I said.
  "I'm relieved to hear that," said Edna and a soldier headed towards us.
  "Who are they? They are walking towards us," said Edna.
  "A group of royal knights sent on a mission," I said.
  "Do they always go out in groups?" said Edna.
  "It's normal," I said.
  "So, why are you alone?" said Edna.
  “…. Let's give way to them," I said.
  "Hey, you didn't answer my question!" said Edna.
  "Oh, Alaster! It just so happens that you are here," said the female Knight.
  "I didn't expect to see you here either," I said.
  "It's been a while since I've seen you. Is that mission too difficult to handle?" said the female knight.
  "Not like that Captain Louisa. We had to go another way because of the incident," I said.

  For your information, the knight's lady's name is Captain Louisa. Louisa said a little puzzled because I had mentioned the word we in my statement and then she went towards Edna. Soon after, Louisa asked Edna her name. After she introduced herself, Louisa asked to Edna how we can be together like this. Because of that, Edna had a little difficulty explaining it to Louisa. I kept interrupting them.

  "How many times have I said? No need to be too formal with me.
  "It's rude if I call the captain by his name only," I said.
  "But as your friend, that kind of call hurts.
  "Okay," I said with a sigh.
  "Just now, you said 'we', didn't you? I reminded you that you were sent alone to carry out the mission," said Louisa and she went towards Edna.
  "So, 'we' are together with this girl, right? You should take a long time to go home," said Louisa.
  "I told you, I took another path," I said with a little anger.
  "May I know your name?" said Louisa to Edna.
  "My name is Edna. Nice to meet you," said Edna who introduced herself.
  "Nice to meet you too," Louisa replied to Edna.
  "So, tell me Edna. How can you be with him?" said Louisa.
  "Actually I….  How do I explain it," said Edna who was thinking of how to speak and I interrupted them.
  "It's a good story, I'm indebted to him. I just helped him find some information in the palace," I said.
  "I also remind you that you can finally make friends with someone," said Louisa.

  This is because, I have no friends other than her. I felt a little angry and then I asked her why she brought her team. Actually, they wanted to patrol and check the Danos Desert area. This is because, they received a report that there was a strange magical activity in  there. At the same time, Louisa's subordinate knights spoke ill of me.

  "I'm relieved too when I see you walking with someone," said Louisa.
  "So, he has no friends at all?" said Edna.
  "Besides me, it feels like there is no one else. It's sad, isn't it?" said Louisa.
  "Can you stop talking about me? Yes no yes. Where do you want to go with this team?" I said.
  "The commander asked me to patrol and check the Danos Desert. There were reports of magical activity there. So, we were sent to prevent the worst from happening," said Louisa.
  "When does captain Louisa want to continue our journey? It's been a long time since we stopped here," whispered knight A.
  "Who is the man chatting casually with our captain?" whispered knight B.
  "Don't you know him? He's Alaster, the Troublemaker," knight A whispered again.
  "A talented boy whose fighting skills are comparable to the commander?" whispered Knight B.
  "I can't remember the days when he and I were in the same squad. What if he behaved and worked as a team?" said knight A and then Louisa turned to them.

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