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  Hi, my name is Alaster. Right now, we are heading to Hargash Volcano. Apparently, we are getting closer to the volcano. We continued our journey as far as we could. Shortly after that, Edna felt something. She felt that there were many demons in this area. Suddenly, an elite demon appeared.

  "Eh, why do I feel something strange?" said Edna's heart.
  "Why is this, Edna?" I said.
  "I feel like there are many demons in this area," said Edna.
  "It's true what you said, Edna. There are indeed many demons in this area," said Zerav and then an elite demon appeared.
  “Damn it! There are elite demons!” said Louisa.
  “We have to attack him now! Don't get stuck there.

  Without wasting a time, Edna and Zerav used Blazing Field and Soul Oblivion moves to drain a lot of energy from the demon.  Then, Louisa and I used Earth Break and Unsteady Assassination moves. Louisa and I used the same move over and over again while Edna and Zerav defended the move before it started disappearing. Finally, we finally succeeded.

  “Alright! Feel this! Blazing Field!” said Edna and she attacked the demon.
  "My turn! Soul Oblivion!” Zerav attacked the demon.
  "It's our turn! Earth Break! Unsteady Assassination!” Louisa and I attacked the demon.
  “Alaster! Louisa! You two keep attacking while we keep our attacks from disappearing!” said Edna.
  “Alright! Feel this! Full strength!” Louisa and I said as we attacked the demon.

  Shortly after our fight ended, Edna called Zerav. Edna asked something to Zerav with her feelings of fear and worry. Zerav answered the question. Shortly after that, I continued to ask Zerav another way to restore Edna's younger brother.

  “Zerav…. Have you ever seen a sorcerer who has risen and then turned back into a human?"  said Edna.
  "Never. In theory, when darkness taints half of your soul, you will begin to change. That is the true nature of wizards,” Zerav replied.
  "Really?! If that's the case, we just need to banish the darkness.
  "I have witnessed so many souls. I am good at this field. Not easy for wizards. Once the darkness begins to take over, it is almost impossible to drive it out. I think your sister has already been 'awakened', right Edna" said Zerav.
  “Yes. Since the last 10 years," said Edna.
  "It's been quite a while. Marbas must have caught him and turned him into a terrible monster by now," said Zerav.
  "Are you sure?" said Edna.
  "That's what he always does," said Zerav.
  "Is there any way we can restore it?" I said.

  Zerav is also thinking about something and he also wants Edna's younger brother alive. We were surprised to hear that so I asked Zerav about it. Unfortunately, Zerav couldn't answer my question because it was a personal matter. Shortly after that, Zerav said that we are about to arrive.

   "I will try to think of something. I want him alive too," said Zerav.
  "Huh?!" said a surprised Edna.
  "What do you want to do to her brother?!" I said.
  "Hmmm... I can't answer your question.  It's quite personal," said Zerav.
  "We are almost there," said Zerav.

  While we were walking, another powerful demon appeared. The devil's name is Inferno. Without wasting time, we each used the moves Savage Rend, Pyro Wave, Rapid Shooting and Violent Reap. We attacked him continuously. However, the devil was not injured at all. So, we attacked him with the same movement again. Then, our attack is followed by Shield Rush, Flame Pillar, Arrow Rain and Dread Chasm moves. We attacked him many times.

  “Another demon has appeared!” said Louisa.
  “We have to attack him! Feel this! Savage Rend!” I attacked the devil.
  “Taste this too! Pyro Wave!” Edna attacked the demon as well.
  “Feel the double attack! Arrow Rain! Dread Chasm!” Louisa and Zerav attacked the demon simultaneously.
  "Not effective!" I said.
  “Attack again!” Zerav said.
  “Feel this again! Savage Rend!” I attacked the devil.
  "This attack will not stop if you are still alive! Pyro Wave!” Edna attacked the demon as well.
  “Feel this double motion again! Arrow Rain! Dread Chasm!” Louisa and Zerav attacked the demon simultaneously.

A few minutes later

We've been attacking the demon for a long time and he's almost exhausted. Without wasting time, we continue to activate Fury Mode and attack the demon with Earth Break, Blazing Field, Unsteady Assassination and Soul Oblivion moves. Finally, we managed to defeat the demon.

  “Looks like the demon has run out of energy!” said Louisa.
  “Activate Fury Mode!” we said.
  "We will end it! Shield Rush! Flame Pillar! Arrow Rain! Dread Chasm!” we attack the devil.

  We kept walking and we finally got there. Shortly after, there was someone standing on top of the magic circle. Edna can tell it's a wolf and she can tell it's Marbas. Zerav continued to tell Marbas that Edna was his and he was not giving her up to be used as a catalyst. Then, Marbas said something to Zerav. Zerav also said something to Marbas.

  "Finally you come too, my last catalyst," said the devil.
  “A wolf?! Is that Marbas?!” said Edna.
  “Cis, this fire mage is mine! I will not hand it over to be used as a catalyst!” Zerav said.
  “Ooh… look who's coming. How dare you show your face, traitor?!” Marbas said.
  "I am not on anyone's side! I'm here to take revenge on you!” Zerav said.

  Marbas told Zerav to forget about it. That made Zerav very angry and wanted to attack Marbas. However, Louisa managed to stop Zerav from attacking. Louisa tells Zerav not to act recklessly because she already said that Marbas is a strong enemy. I did the same thing. Because of that, Marbas had to use force. Suddenly, the three Demon Lords appeared. Then, another demonic dragon appeared. Edna could feel that aura she had felt before.

   "A years have passed. Just forget about it. After all, you only lost half your power. There's no need to fuss," said Marbas.
  "You're useless!" Zerav said then he wanted to attack Marbas.
  "Zerav! Don't!!” said Louisa.
  "I don't know what happened between the two of you, but right now you are too reckless. Didn't you yourself say that he was a strong enemy?" said Louisa.
  "We won't let you touch Edna even a little!! We came here to stop you!!” I said feeling a little angry.
  "Sis!! Who are these people?! Apparently, I had to use force! Come, my faithful servants!!” said Marbas and the three Demon Lords appeared.
  "We have to fight all these demons!" said Edna.
  "There is no other choice," said Zerav.
  "This is my mooring chicken!! My best creation!” said Marbas while laughing and another demon appeared.
  "This aura... just in case...," said Edna.

  So, I asked Edna about it.  Edna says that the dragon is her little brother, Aiden. Edna tried to talk to her sister. Zerav said something about Edna's younger brother. Shortly after, Edna asked Zerav something. Zerav says that there is no point anymore because there is nothing that can dispel the darkness. I didn't even tell Edna to listen to Zerav's statement and believe that his voice could wake Aiden up. Louisa said that we have to fight them and weaken them first. We are ready with all our strength.

  "What's wrong Edna?!" I said.
  "This is… Aiden…," said Edna.
  “That dragon, your little brother?!” said Louisa.
  “Aiden!! Aiden!! This is sister!!” Edna tried to scream to wake up her little brother.
  "Useless!! The legitimate soul is so black. I never thought it would be like this!" Zerav said.
  "What should we do Zerav?!" said Edna.
  "He can't be helped anymore. He has been like that for too long. There is nothing that can dispel that great darkness," said Zerav.
  "Don't listen to him, Edna! I believe your voice will wake Aiden up," I said.
  "But, we have to fight and weaken him first," said Louisa.
  “Marbaaaass…!!! You will get the answer!!!” Zerav said angrily.
  "This is the end for you!!" Marbas said with a laugh.


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