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  Hi, my name is Alaster. We are now on our way to Hargash Volcano. Our goal is to stop all the demons from starting their Ceremony and save Edna's little brother. While we were on our way, we were suddenly attacked by demons in large numbers. We were very surprised to see that. We continue to attack them using our strength. We feel that these demons are a little difficult to defeat and also a little strong.

  "Wait!" said the devil.
  "Why? What's wrong?" said Louisa.
  "Do you feel something, Edna?" said the devil.
  "Just a moment. Impossible! Why does this aura seem to be too much?!” said Edna and the devil used a little of his power.
  "For real! That's a lot of devils!” said Louisa.
  "We don't have time anymore! Let's defeat them!” I said then we attacked the devil.
  “These demons are stronger than any we have ever fought before!” said Edna.

  We keep attacking the demons with Counter Guard, Flame Strike, Arrow Burst and Soul Snatch moves. Then, we continue to attack them with Savage Rend, Pyro Wave, Rapid Shooting and Violent Reap moves. However, the movement did not affect the devil at all. Only a small part has been defeated. Without wasting any time, we proceeded to use Earth Break, Blazing Field, Unsteady Assassination and Soul Oblivion moves.  Finally, we managed to defeat the demons and we continued our journey. This is because we don't have enough time right now.

  "Don't give in, Edna! We will keep fighting!” I said.
  “The blue boy was right! I don't want your holy soul to be polluted!" said the devil.
  "You, don't want to be busy!" I said.
  “Feel this! Counter Guard! Flame Strike! Arrow Burst! Soul Snatch!” we attack the demons.
  “A little more! We attack again!” I said.
  “Feel this! Savage Rend! Pyro Wave! Rapid Shooting! Violent Reap!” we attack the demons again.
  “They are too many! Only some can be defeated!” said Louisa.
  "We have to end it now!" I said.
  “All right!” said the three of them.
  “We will end it! Earth Break! Blazing Field! Unsteady Assassination! Soul Oblivion!” we put an end to all this.
  "Finally succeeded!" said Edna.
  "Let's go! We can't waste time now," I said and we continued our journey.

  A few minutes later

We are still on our way to the volcano. While we were on our way, suddenly a huge demon appeared. We were very surprised when we saw the devil. Add to that, we are not completely ready after the match.

  "Do we still have a long way to go?" said Edna.
  “Yes. Still a long way to go," I said.
  "You guys, don't move!" said the devil
  "Why? Are there other powerful demons around here?” I said.
  “Yes. But this is stronger than the one we fought earlier," said the devil.
  "We have to be careful. Anytime this devil can attack us," said Louisa.
  “Dodging!” said the devil and we avoided him.
  “How big is this devil! How are we going to fight him now?!" said Edna.
  "Our energy is not full yet after the match!" said Louisa and the devil attacked us.

  The devil attacked us so that we lost some energy. We woke up again and then we attacked the demon with Shield Rush, Flame Pillar, Arrow Rain and Dread Chasm. At first, the move didn't work so we attacked him again with the same move again. We continued to attack the devil and finally we succeeded in defeating the devil.

  “Uh, dodge!” said Edna and then we were hit by the devil's attack.
  “Ouch!” I said.
  "This can't be! Feel this! Shield Rush!” I said again and then I attacked the devil.
  “Taste this too! Flame Pillar! Arrow Rain! Dread Chasm!” the three of them also attacked the devil.
  “It seems, our energy is not enough to defeat that demon!” said Louisa.
  "Do not give up!  We have to keep attacking!” I said then we attacked the devil many times.
  “Feel our strength! Shield Rush! Flame Pillar! Arrow Rain! Dread Chasm!” we attack the devil with all our might.

THE EPIC CONQUEST (Eng Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now