Part 2 - Player v. Player

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(The sun comes up and shines in the Squid Sisters' penthouse.)

Callie: *yawn* (She wakes up and starts her day.)

(She walks around the penthouse a bit.)

Callie: [thought] Hmmm... something seems off. I know I'm usually the first one awake, but something just seems weirdly quiet. (She looks around.)

Callie: [thought] Oh, right, Marie went to her parents' house last night. That's why the penthouse seems a little quiet. (She heads into the kitchen.)

Callie: [thought] Wait, she said that she would call me when she made it there, but she never did. (She perks up.)

Callie: [thought] Eh, she probably just forgot to call and got caught up with her parents. She's fine. (She shrugs and continues on with her morning routine.)


Sound effect: Bam! (Cakepop's robotic fist hits a target.)

Sound effects: Crck! Booom! Whrrrrr (Cakepop in its mecha form destroys a few targets. Rosie is controlling Cakepop from inside.)

Sound effect: CRASH! (It destroys one final target as Juliuz, Echo, Kiyoshi, Emerald, Coral, and V watch.)

Echo: Are we sure about this? I mean, teaching a five-year-old to fight may not be a safe idea. What if-

Kiyoshi: This might actually be beneficial to Rosie. In case she ever needs to defend herself or we need someone to pilot Cakepop in the future.

Coral: Also, she's working up some muscle! That's always good for you. (They talk.)

Juliuz: I get that you're worried, Evelyn, but with the positions we're in, this could help keep Rosie safe.

Echo: Hrm... (He puts a hand on her shoulder.)

Echo: I still don't know.

Juliuz: Evelyn...

Echo: Can you... not call me that? Please? It's so confusing! I just trust you guys when you say that my name is Echo, but then when you call me "Evelyn", it gets confusing! (She turns away.)

Juliuz: Oh, I'm sorry.

Echo: No, you're fine. It's my stupid memory, that's all. (She's a bit embarrassed.)

Rosie: Hey! I made a new record!

Kiyoshi: Great job, Rosie!

Rosie: Can I do it again? (Rosie turns to them. Kiyoshi claps.)

Juliuz: Alright, just one more time. (He presses a button to reset the targets.)

Sound effect: ding! (The targets pop up again.)

Sound effect: Boom! (Octavio approaches, but no one notices him. Rosie goes after targets again.)

(Cakepop gets ready to attack another attack just as Octavio walks into range.)

Rosie: Huh? (She starts to notice him.)

Sound effect: Slam!

Octavio: Whoa! (Cakepop destroys a target, almost hitting him. He jumps out of the way.)

(Everyone else looks up, surprised.)

Rosie: Sorry! I didn't see you! (Rosie apologizes from inside the mecha suit.)

Octavio: No, no, it's my bad. This is what I get for sneaking up on all of you.

Echo: Are you okay, sir? (He gets up and everyone gets closer, not yet realizing who he is.)

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