Part 5 - Finally Free & Epilogue

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(Kiyoshi is sitting by a window, looking outside. A TV is on near him.)

Coral: It's been almost a week since the mysterious wave was seen shooting across the sky. Will we ever know what it could've meant?

Brooke: Aliens. It has to be aliens. Or maybe magic!

Coral: *sigh* I guess we'll never know. (Kiyoshi glances over at the TV, where Coral and Brooke are on-air.)

Brooke: No, wait, maybe it was a glimpse at a parallel universe!

Coral: Really Brooke? These are some strange theories you've got.

Kiyoshi: *snicker* Well, this is one way to keep things classified. (He laughs to himself.)

Coral: A~anyway... in other news, the Squid Sister duo- Callie and Marie- are still hospitalized after reports of a fire. Though their conditions are stable, we can only hope that they'll truly be okay. (Coral looks a bit more concerned.)

(Coral and Brooke are silent.)

Coral: Do you... really think that they'll be okay?

Brooke: I hope so, Beanie. I really miss them, too. (They talk.)

Sound effect: click! (A button is pressed on the side of the TV with Kiyoshi's power, turning the TV off.)

Kiyoshi: *sigh* (He looks to the side, over at Callie, who's still unconscious in a hospital room. She has some burns and treated wounds. To the side, there are three heart monitors, one for each heart.)

Callie: Mh... Hnnnnnn... (She starts to wake up.)

(Kiyoshi looks a little surprised and gets up.)

Callie: Oooh... (Kiyoshi stands beside her and puts a hand under her head as she scrunches up in pain.)

Kiyoshi: Hey-y Callie... come on, you gotta wake up. (Callie starts to move.)

Sound effect: *blink blink* (She opens her eyes.)

Kiyoshi: Hey, you've been out for a while. How are you feeling? (He sits by her.)

Callie: K-Kiyoshi?

Kiyoshi: Yep, I'm here.

Callie: Wha- what? Why am I- h-huh?

Kiyoshi: Do you remember what happened? (She looks around, confused.)

Callie: Uh... we were in [Unknown], there was a fire, and- and... (She rubs her head.)

Callie: * (Everything seems to snap together.)

Callie: MARIE! Where's Marie?! (She shoots up, startling Kiyoshi.)

Callie: Oh, owww... (She winces in pain and clutches at herself.)

Kiyoshi: Here, careful. Take it easy. You need to stay down. (He helps her back down.)

Callie: Where's Marie?

Kiyoshi: Don't worry, she's fine. (Callie glances worriedly at him.)

Kiyoshi: Your injuries were a bit worse, so you needed some extra help. Marie woke up yesterday, and she's been asking about you. She's okay. And your grandfather is with her right now.

Callie: Y-yesterday? How long was I out?

Kiyoshi: Almost a week. (They talk.)

Callie: A week? Wow. (She's a bit surprised.)

(They both stay silent.)

Kiyoshi: Oh, hey. I've got to tell you something. About Kiku.

Callie: Huh? What about her? (Kiyoshi scratches the back of his neck.)

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