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Julia- The following day was nothing but walking, stopping whenever we could. We're all miserable; nearly all our water is gone, we're tired, and it's been hours since we found shelter. By the time night started falling, we just laid on the hard, dirt ground to sleep. Thomas and I were the last ones awake, sitting in silence while we watched over everyone. "So," I whispered, getting Thomas' attention. "Bitch keeping secrets?" I asked. He sighed, "seems that way. She..." he broke off, looking at me warily. "Look, Wicked did something to her, got inside her head, it's nothing." I glared. "That's not gonna work, shank. Spill it." He sighed again, running his hands through his hair. "She thought we should've gone back." I said nothing. I didn't think it was possible for me to hate or distrust her more, but here we are! "Then why are we dragging her along, dumbass?" I growled. "Because she's our friend. I wasn't going to leave her behind." Fuck this! "I am too tired to kick your ass right now," I snapped, laying down and turning away from him. Idiot!


Thomas woke us all up freaking out about something. He pointed at lights in the distance and I could've cried in relief. But then a storm hit and we ran for it. Lightening struck the ground at random, and we'd dodge it if it got too close. But Minho, of all people, got hit and fell. We dragged him the rest of the way, and into the building, which was too dark and too quiet. It took Minho a moment to wake up and shake off his disorientation, but he was okay. I hugged him. "Useless idiot," I teased him. He smirked. "Spoiled bitch." We laughed, softly, and I hugged him again. Next thing we knew, those monsters, Cranks, if I remember Janson calling them, started popping up all over, screeching and clawing for us. But they couldn't touch us; they were all chained up. A door on the other side of the room opened, and a girl with short black hair walked through the sea of Cranks, unbothered and unafraid. She told us to follow her, unless we wanted to stay down here with the monsters. No one stayed.

*Skip to Meeting Jorge*

Brenda lunged for Thomas, pushing his head and placing some weird device near his neck. I kicked at her, almost reaching her head, had she not moved. She stared wide-eyed at me, then smiled. "Nice kick." "Jorge, you were right," she said, showing Jorge the screen. He looked excited and started going on about us being valuable; property of Wicked. Everyone started closing in on us, laughing and looking up to no good. "This one's pretty," one man leered at me. Minho and Newt pulled me away, shoving me behind them, ready to fight. "Don't bloody touch her!" Newt screamed. "Hey! Knock it off!" Jorge yelled. "Take them, but if I found out anyone touches the girls, we're going to have a bullet shortage from the amount I'll put in all of you. Understood?" The men grumbled and got closer to us, and I noticed some of them were armed. I turned in Newt's arms, pushed Thomas out of the way and glared at Jorge. "Si los lastimas, mataré a tu pequeña mascota!" I growled. (If you hurt any of us, I will kill your little pet!) He paled, glancing at Brenda, then placed a hand on his heart, swearing nothing would happen. "Since when do you speak another language?" Minho asked me. I covered my mouth, confused and shocked. "I... I don't know..." "Leave the girl here," Jorge said, walking up to me. He smirked slightly and spoke in Spanish. Responding to him was as easy as speaking English. It was as if a switch went off in my mind. "I respect my own, Princesa." Then he turned to the boys. "No harm will come to her, I swear it." And then everyone was led away. Jorge gestured for me to sit, and he asked me questions in rapid Spanish. Brenda, who couldn't understand us, watched us go back and forth, smirking.

After a while, Jorge stood, patted my head, then asked Brenda to keep me company while he went to see my friends. I immediately stood, "I'm going with you." They looked at each other, but Jorge said I could go with him. We walked through the building until we reached a wide, open room, and I screamed when I saw everyone hanging upside down from the ceiling. I ran over to them as close as I could. Newt and Minho were trying to keep me calm, but I was going nuts; scared and hyperventilating. Jorge asked what we knew about the Right Arm, threatening to drop them if they didn't talk. I started cursing at him, and he laughed, removing his hand from the lever. "Alright, little one. I said I wouldn't hurt them." Then he chuckled and said I had a strong temper. Thomas told Jorge what little information we knew, and I could see a spark in his eyes. But then, one of Jorge's thugs came in and they left the room.

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