How you meet

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You were sitting on a bench in England, reading a large book. You were in the middle of a good part when a drop fell on the page. Before you knew it it was pouring. You were soaking wet. You had saved your book by putting it on the inside of your coat, but you were soaked to the bone. Suddenly the rain stopped falling on you. You looked up to see an umbrella above you. Behind you was a blonde man with bushy eyebrows, and green eyes.
" Are you alright miss? "
" I'm soaked, but yes, thank you. "
" Here, take it. " he hands me the umbrella, and walks off.


You were at an alcohol store getting vodka. You grabbed Smirnoff Vodka, but bumped into a man. He was an extremely light blonde blonde with purple eyes, a long tan overcoat, and a white scarf on. He had five more bottles than you.
" You like vodka da? "
" Yes. "
" I vill pay for it for you sunflower. " his Russian accent was adorable.
" Thank you. " we walk to the register, and after he pays for it, both of you part ways.


You were at McDonald's, just buying some food. You had your tray, and as you were walking with your food, some jerk tripped you. You went falling, and your chin hit the ground. You looked up to see a blonde with blue eyes. He looked at you, and smiled. He helped you up.
" Thanks. "
" No problem, that's what heroes do! " You couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he was.
" I should probably get going. "
" Bye! " He waved happily to you, and you waved back as walked out.


You had just arrived in Italy and was looking for one of the famed pasta restaurants. You were having a little trouble finding your way around when this man with auburn hair, and brown eyes came up to you, smiling.
" Are you-a having a little trouble Bella? "
" Yes, I'm looking for a place that serves pasta." He looked a little overexcited after you said that.
" Come with me, and we shall eat pasta! " he grabbed your arm, and dragged you to a restaurant where you both ate a lot of pasta. You left him to go back to your hotel after a few hours of spending time together.

Southern Italy ( or Romano )

You were just walking in the street when you heard someone cry out. You went to an alley where the sound came from. You looked in there to see a man standing over someone who was unconscious or dead. You gasped, and the man turned around. He saw you and came running after you. You ran out to the exit of the alley, and ran into a man with dark hair. He held out a hand to the man running after you, and he stopped with an abrupt halt.
" Leave. " the man scurries away, and you look at the man who might have just saved your life.
" You will not tell anyone what you just saw! "
" N-no. "
" Good. You get out of here. " you run off, not even stopping to look back.


You were skating at the ice rink. You had just finished a little twirl when you noticed a blonde man with glasses watching you, smiling. You smiled back at him, and he looked at you, surprised. You skated up to him.
" Hi. "
" H-hello. " you noticed a little polar bear sitting next to him.
" You are so adorable. "
" His name is kumajiruo. I think. " you smiled at the adorable polar bear.
" I should be going. "
" Good bye. "
" Bye. " you waved to him as you skated out the rink, and walked to your house.

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