Fourth Of July (America Oneshot)

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You were dressed up in your tank top with the american flag on it, your shorts that had spilled paint on them, and your red converse, it was the fourth of July, and your best friends birthday. You and Alfred had been good friends for a good two years. He was hosting a big party, and he had invited all his friends. You walked to his mansion, and ran the doorbell. He answered.
" Y/n! "
He hugged you very tightly.
" Hey Alfie! "
" Come in! Come in! "
He pulled you into the kitchen, and watched you as you grabbed some fruit and ate it. Right when you finished, he grabbed your hand, and dragged you outside to the back yard. On the way out you almost fell twice, because he was dragging you so fast. Outside his friends were there. Arthur, Kiku, Francis, Feli, Lovino, Ludwig, Ivan, Yao, and a lot of other people.
" Are you wearing your bathing suit!? "
" Yeah. "
" Hello Y/n. "
" Hi Arthur. "
You took off your shirt, socks, and shoes, then out of the blue, Alfred pushed you into the pool.
" Butt! I wasn't ready! "
" At least your wearing a bathing suit. "
" Im still wearing my shorts. "
" Oh well. "
He jumped in right next to you, splashing you with water. The second he surfaced, you threw a ball at his face.
" Why would you do that!? "
" That's for pushing me in! "
" I have to get you back for that! "
" Uh oh... "
You two spent the next twenty minutes chasing each other in the water, and splashing each other.
" The fireworks are about to start! "
" Fireworks!? " Alfred pulled you out the pool, threw a towel in your general direction, which landed on your face, and rushed off.
" Here let me help you love. "
Arthur handed you your shirt, and shoes.
" Thanks Arthur. "
" He went that way too. "
" Thanks. "
You ran in the direction Arthur pointed, and saw Alfred sitting on a blanket, wrapped up in a towel, waiting for the fireworks to start. You sat down next to him, making him jump.
" Oh, hey dudette! "
" Hello Alfred! "
He put his arms around you and hugged you very tightly.
" Thanks for being my friend Y/n! "
" Your welcome Alfie! "
" Your the only one that can get away with calling me that. "
" Ha. Good to know. "

That's the end, and I'm sorry it's short, but oh weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell.

Next chapter is........................................................................................................................................................a secret.
But for you people who need to have a hint................................................................................................................................................................Italy's bff! Can you guess who it is? The next chapter or two will take a while, so if I don't update for a few days it's because of that.

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