Period Time

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I think that picture suits this chapter


" Get out! Im trying to watch my batman! "
" Dear! Why you would you want to watch those crappy movies? "
" How dare you insult batman! He is better than all your stupid spy's! "
" How dare you!? What is wrong with you!? You seem so mad. "
" Im on my period! Now let me watch batman! "
" Fine. Fine. Ill make you some scones. "
" No thank you. "


Poor thing was freaking out. He didn't know what to do.
" Are you comfortable? Do you need anything? "
" I need some pads, but I can get them myself. "
" I can get them for you. "
" You dont want to Ivan. "
" Why? "
" You just dont okay, and I'll be fine. You can get me some scones though. "
" You will not eat that crappy food. I forbid it. "
" Please? "
" No. "
" Please? "
" No. "
" Fine, you can get the pads. "


" Wanna get some burgers? "
" Cant. "
" What!? Why not!? "
" It hurts to move. "
" Is it something the hero can help with? "
" Nope. "
" Why not!? "
" Im on my period Alfred. "
" Oh. Can I go get some burgers? "
" I dont care enough Alfred. Wanna know what I crave? "
" What? "
" Churro's. "
" Want me to go by Spain's place, and get you some? "
" Yes please. "
" Hero away! "
" I have the best boyfriend. "
" Thank you Y/n. "
" What you heard that!? "
" Why does it matter? "
" I dont know... "
" Hero away! " He ran out the door leaving you on the couch.


" Bella... Why is the-a trash can filled with-a red stuff? It doesn't-a look like-a pasta sauce. "
" Its not pasta sauce! "
" What is it? "
" ...Blood. "
" What!? Is Luciano here!? "
" No. Who's that? "
" Ill tell you another time, but why do we have blood in the trash can!? "
" Im on my period. "
" Whats that? "
" Um... "

Ten minutes later a scarred Feli walked to his room, and didn't come out until dinner was ready.
" Maybe I shouldn't have been so detailed... "


" Make me some pizza! "
" You make it your the-a woman! "
" So!? "
" Make it yourself! "
" Just make me the god dang pizza! "
" Fine! Stupid ragazza, and her stupid period. "
" What did you just say? "
" Nothing! Im making the pizza! See? "
You scared Lovino when you were on your period


" Would you like some pancakes? "
" Sure. Thank you. "
" Ill be watching the game. "
" Can I watch with you? "
" Of course. "
You cuddled on the couch with Matt, and watched the hockey game together.


" Um... Y/n-san? "
" Yes Kiku? "
" Are you on your period? "
" Uh, yeah... "
" Do you need me to get you anything? "
" Im good. A few manga books? "
" Okay. "

Next scenario is You meet the 2p's

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