Chapter 5 Nice to see you again

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POV: Athanasia

'I'm glad dad still cares for me, seems like I might even get a another parent.'

"Hyung, I wanted to ask where are the kids?"

'The kids? Is is his child? Did he give birth? Can male give birth in this universe?'

"Oh, they should be in the emerald palace. I do you want to meet them?"

"Yes, that would be nice."

"Umm, mr.Cale?"

"Hmm? Yes?"

"What do you mean by kids? Did you give birth to them?"

Father and Felix laughed so hard and Mr.Cale just frowned

"No, your highness they are adopted, they should be 30-36 years old now. Would you like to go meet them as well?"

"Yes that would be nice and please just call me Athanasia or Athy."

"Then you should call Cale papa."

It was father who said that

Da- I mean mr.Cale look embarrassed

"J-just call me cale Athanasia."

He smiled. He looked like an angel

"Ehem, hello? We are still here you know."

"Lucas, Be nice!"


"Lucas. That's your name right?"

"Yes why do you ask?"

"Now I remember who you are you are the magician who used to often threaten or disrespect the world tree."

"Yes that's right you know the world tree?"

"Indeed, I talked to him a few time."

'He talked to him!'

"Why are we talking about that damn annoying tree."

"Daddy you seem to hold a grudge against the world tree why?"

"It's because the tree told Cale to stab himself."


"Why would they say that."

"In order to activate the branch. So I can kill the radish."

"Interesting, it also seems like you are quite similar to Athanasia. Maid can you leave for a while I want to ask a private question."

"Of course magician."

Right after lily left the room he said

"It seeems like you are a transmigrator, and not a reincarnator."

"Lucas! You can't spill out secrets like this! Father and felix is still here!"


I flinched. What would dad do to me when he found out that I am not his daughter

"That's funny, did you think we didn't know? Both me and felix are aware of both of you. We know about Cale because he told us and we know about you because of the diary of Cale."

"Diary? W-wait that means you knew from the start! Why didn't you say so. If you did I wouldn't have to act like a cute child!."

"Yes a diary it holded an ancient power of annual of rings it can see people's life lines. Indeed I knew from the start. I didn't say because it was amusing. It was very funny."

"Hyung, Athanasia let's stop talking and start walking so I can go see the kids."

"Disrespectful as always"

A few minutes later we arrived at the emerald palace. It look so pretty. I'm kind of sad that I wasn't placed here since this place was better.

All 5 of us was walking towards one door and Cale knocked. We saw three people it seems like they were crying.

POV: Raon

I heard a knock on the door I assumed it was one of the servant but it wasn't them instead it was Choi han, cookie emperor, the cookie emperor's kid, the magician and h-human.


On,hong and I cried so hard when we saw him stand alive and awake. We jump on him and hugged him.

"H-human you dummy. You left us! You promised you wouldn't!"

"Hello on, hong and raon. Yes I am a dummy. I'm sorry."

"We're glad that your alive."

"It's nice to see you again, you all are grown up. It also seems like roan is done his third growth."

A/N: This is the end of the chapter for today. I'm very sorry I didn't update for about 4days I was a bit busy. Next chapter would focus more on the reunion and the interaction of the kids and Athanasia. I might now update for a whole week due to exams but I will still try to update. My march break should start soon so then I will update more. If you have more ideas for the later chapter please comment. Thank you very much. Hope your having an awesome weekend.

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