Chapter 8 Reunion (3)

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POV: 3rd person

"Young master?"

The man looked in disbelief but also quite happy.

"Hello Ron it's been a while hasn't it? How are you?"

Cale smiled

"I'm doing great young master. I'm very pleased about your return."

Ron was truly happy about that but not the fact that the emperor was here.

"Your majesty, you're also here it seems and your child I suppose."

He was not very pleased about the fact that the lover of his young master had a child which was even from a commoner, but didn't dare to ask.

"Hello Ron."

The emperor smiled trying to hide his nervousness. I mean who would if one of the top 5 assassin secretly glare at you. Ron nods at Alberu as a greeting when Cale saw him eyeing on the emperor.

"Come in, you must be tired."

Ron quickly opens the door more for the guests can come in.

"Choi Han must already be here right? I told him to go get the group."

Cale asked not sure if he already did or not.

"Of course, they are all in the dining area currently. Should I go fetch them?"

Cale declines and says that he will head there instead, since that is better. Ron nods then proceeds to lead the way. After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination. Cale opens the door then says.

"Hello everyone."

Cale looked surprised at his friends faces. They all were crying. He didn't know why but started to comfort them one by one.

"Why are all of you crying? Aren't you happy?"

All of them just laughed after hearing his word. They all knew he was the same old dense young master.

"We are happy young master Cale. These are tears of happiness."

The red-haired girl replied while having her tears falling down.

"Yes, miss Rosalyn is right. We are very happy that your alive and standing."

The future Queen of whale also said. Cale just nodded at the two woman's answers. Everyone was happy but one person. Beacrox. He was happy that his young master was back but two things made him quite upset. The fact that he looked so skinny, skinnier then before and a girl that looks like the current emperor. He already knew that the emperor had a illegitimate daughter but couldn't feel happy that the blond haired did it with someone who wasn't his young master even worse a commoner who isn't even from the empire, a stranger who none of us were aware of.

Suddenly Eruhaben interrupted, asking a question about the weird pink aura surrounding the emperor. Then Alberu explained the truth.

"My previous lover or the mother of my daughter was a fairy."

Eruhaben looked shocked. Then says.

"Do you mean the fairy tribe? You should know child that they are very hypnotizing. If it's true that she is one it would make sense that she tried to seduce you and ended up having some fairy aura around you. You need to be careful you know that humans, elves and dark elves can't tell if they are a fairy or not. It's very easy to hypnotize them. No wonder you had a child. Seems that she was greedy for status like most fairies."

Athanasia looked quite shocked at the reveal. She just found out that his father was not quite in love with her but now she finds out that he was never in love and her mother was hypnotizing him. She almost fainted after hearing this. But Alberu just continues.

"Yes you are correct Eruhaben-nim. When she told me about it I was going to execute her but she has a child who had royal blood so she was spared and I was going to kill her after the child was born but it seemed that she couldn't handle the mana inside of her and ended up dying after birth. I'm very sorry to all of you. I should have told you this before and maybe showed you guys to her but I didn't and it caused a lot of trouble. I'm sorry Cale once again, I've always loved you and I know it's normal to have a concubine but I should have been more careful with it. I'm so sorry."

Alberu apologized and started crying. Everyone knew it wasn't fully his fault, after all he was hypnotized. Cale just walked up to him then comforted him that everything was alright and said that he already forgave him and he's sure that the others feel the same.

Athanasia on the other hand was not handling the situation to good. Lucas tried to comfort her but to no one's surprise he failed. Cale noticed this then went to her and hugged her. The princess was surprised at the action. Wasn't he supposed to hate her after all she was a child of his lover and a fairy but the hug felt so comfortable and nice. She has never felt this sensation before, of course she has hugged many people but never felt this warm. She felt that she was very loved right now.

Athanasia was loved but lee Jihye wasn't, her past life was not the best. Sure there was a lot of people that has experience worse but she also didn't have it the best. Currently she feels as if she was loved in both life. She recently also found out that her father's lover was previously Korean. Maybe he knew what it was like, what it was like to not be loved to be left alone.

"Just let it out your highnesses."

When Athanasia heard that she started to cry. She hugged the sickly male and tears started to rush down her face. She was currently very happy that he didn't hate her. She felt happy. Maybe this isn't to bad she thought. The group just looked at their interactions and knew this was the Cale that everyone knew, never discriminated against race and helped many people overcome their trauma. They knew that if Cale accepted the princess as his own they would also treat her as a family.

Alberu then got up and then said.

"I'm sorry Athanasia, I should have told you this already. I know your probably mad at me. Again I'm so sorry."

The emperor then embraced his daughter.

"Daddy, your an idiot."

Athanasia cried even more.

"Yes, daddy is an idiot. I'm sorry."

Alberu really regrets it. He regretted that he let his guard down on that woman but if he didn't he would have never been able to have Athanasia. If he and Cale had a child would it be like her? He didn't think to much of it and just embraced the girl.

"I forgive you daddy but next time please tell me before hand. I don't like being left alone."

"Of course"

The group just watch their interaction with a smile. Cale looked very happy. He was glad everything was solved.

'I guess my family grew in the end.'

A/N: I'm very sorry for the late update. Where I was living had no electricity for a while and there was a huge storm to the point that tree started to fall. I also had few exams so I couldn't update. I want to ask you guys for some ideas for what I should write in the next few chapters. I was thinking for the next part would be more of the interaction between the group and Athanasia then the chapter after would be maybe about Jeannette and her father. If there is any ideas or suggestions please write it down on the comments.

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