Chapter 9 Jelous alberu

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"As much as I want to stay here longer, my brother is coming in a few hours, so I'm afraid we have to head back to the palace. You can all come with us if you want."

Cale's group shook their head to decline.
"Your majesty, we thank the offer, but it's quite alright. You can always come visit us anytime after all this is your home to."

"Thank you everyone for your support, I will see you all soon."

"Indeed your majesty"

"Raon teleport us back to the palace."
Raon looked at him happily and teleported them back to the castle. (Raon didn't go with them since today was the day to spend time with his mother at the black castle.)

Lucas was suddenly curious on the history that happened during the war time.
"Well father in law (Cale), what kind of power do you have, I'm sure that it was a hardship to get/learn one? And what are some achievements that you accomplished?"

Cale looked back at the mage and though about the events and the ancient powers that he acquired in the most interesting way.
In his opinion the cheapskate was the most fun to acquire while crazy kid was the hardest to get. He got in his deep thoughts again and tried to think an achievements he obtained but the ones he knows all belong to Choi Han and his group, of course he was the protagonist after all.

"I have a few ancient power they are quite useful but really annoying when they talk to much in my mind. It was the Indestructible Shield    Wood    who is Glutton, Vitality of the Heart who is Crybaby, The Sound of the Wind who is Thief, Dominating Aura     which was used by Nelan Barrow, Fire of Destruction who is Cheapskate, Super Rock who is Guardian of Boulder, White Crown Artifact which was also used by Nelan Barrow, Sky Eating Water who is Crazy Kid and lastly Blood-Drenched Rock which was before owned by the ancient white star."

Cale took a moment to take a breath then continue.

"I have three abilities, which is record which allows me to remember anything I see, instant which that allows me to move at a speed that only I can move around while others won't be able to. I can only use it for 5 seconds due to the consequences, it can basically pass the limit of the human speed and embrace which I got from my team leader, it allows me to store anything (tangible or not) in a set location or item.

"As for my achievements, I guess I can take credit for killing white star, who was our main enemy and he was a cursed reincarnator or a god wannabe. I just stabbed my heart so I can activate the branch to kill him and also stop his reincarnation. Another achievement probably would be hunting the hunters who can travel dimensions and killled a lot of people."

Lucas and Athanasia looked shocked at his remarks. He almost choked while listening to him, he wondered if he could beat him.

Then there was a door knock, it was Liliana, she had informed them that the 4 guest had arrived.

As walked to the office to go greet the 4 lovely guests, the emperor was proudly telling some achievements and events that happen during the 5 chaotic years.

When they opened the door, 2 of the adults was surprised by the appearance of the supposedly young red haired male.

"I greet his majesty the emperor, her highness the princess, the magician and the guest."

Two out of the 4 said while one other of the guest greeted them but with the guest title and name.

"I greet his majesty the emperor, her highness the princess, the magician and the former supreme commander and hero Cale Henituse."

The two younger guests looked at him in surprise at the remark.


Finally the former emperor said.

Cale looked at him with a smile then gave a hugging gesture to indicate the awaiting embrace.

Anastacius then ran in to him then hugged him tightly aware of the glare he was given by his younger brother.

He suddenly turns back to his normal self and starts flirting with Cale.

"My darling, you look so stunning as usual."

Cale's mouth grins realizing what is going on then continues while holding his chin.

"Thank you dear, you are also really handsome as always to the point the I fall into your eye every time I see it~" looked horrified as the twos interaction not because he is homophobic but due to the fact that the former emperor was acting so shameless. Meanwhile Janette was confused on who the pretty male was to her father.

Alberu looked irritated by their normal interactions with each other. The emperor took Cale by his hand and embraced him tightly.

"That's enough brother"

Anastacius just grinned at the jealous sibling until there was a tap on his shoulder. He looked down to see his precious daughter.

"Yes Jennette?"

"Who is the pretty mister?"

Anastacius looked at her with fond eyes then replied.

"Your uncle in law, his name is Cale Henituse a son of a duke, he is also married to my brother."

Both Jennette and Ijekiel, looked surprise at the answer.

"Is that true father?"

The white haired male asked his father for confirmation.

"It is true, he was our hero too during the war time."

Again the two young adults looked surprised and quite embarrassed that they didn't know him from learning at the academy or from a book.

"Don't worry jennette, I was surprised to."

The princess reassured.

"Alpheus why are you and your son here?"

A/n: I'm sincerely sorry for the very late update and for this short chapter. I know it has been like 54years but I had no ideas and motivation (Meaning I was lazy). I don't really have any excuse but I didn't technically have wifi for the summer and the school had me stressed. I will definitely try to update more frequently. If you have suggestions or ideas for the next part please let me know. I kind of rushed this so if there is a grammar mistake let me know. I was thinking of making tboah and the past tcf react to Xiaolen (in book 2) should I?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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