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      You blinked yourself out of your daze, accepting the reality that my parents would be there in a month. You threw your green patterned comforter from your legs and stood to look in your dresser's huge mirror. They want to meet Evan. They called him your love. They were too conservative and naïve to grasp the concept of one night stands. You fiddled with the leaves of one of your plants on your dresser, and scooted some candles around; you were procrastinating, trying to delay the inevitable. The only answer to both your current issues was to take Evan up on his offer. You went to retrieve your cardigan from your very compact closet, and pulled the ball of paper out of it's pocket. You typed his secret account's username into your phone, feeling defeated.

A few minutes after your pathetic message to him, he wanted your number, to call and discuss a few things. You sent it, and your ringtone blared through the room a few seconds later.

"Hello?" you answered.

"Who's this?" a strange sounding voice said.

"What do you mean who's this, you called me."

"What's your name?"

"Oh I get it," you said smugly. "You think I gave you a fake number, that's why you're putting on this whole Ghostface thing."

"Hey," he dropped the voice. "I can't be too sure, you don't seem to like me much."

"I don't have to," you sat on the edge of your bed. "So what's the whole deal, how much do I get?"

"There's a few things you gotta sign before you get the money, but, it's five grand."

Your brows shot up, you could definitely use that money. "Okay, where should I go?"

"My place will be fine. I'll call my people over," he mischievously chuckled then before saying, "I think you know your way here."

You regretted that he couldn't see your sour expression at his comment, and ended the call. You almost headed out before looking at what you were wearing: a loose tank top, lounge shorts and knee-high socks. Definitely didn't want to be spotted around his house like that. You switched the outfit out for your brown corduroy overalls. The legs were shorts thankfully, and underneath you went with your olive colored basic t-shirt. You typed his address into your Maps, slipped on your Vans, and was out the door.


      The bike ride was three times as long as your one to work, but you couldn't risk taking another Lyft, it'd draw too much attention. This way you could take tiny paths and back roads without causing any commotion. You arrived and tucked your bike behind some of the bushes that bordered his house and tried to stay out of anyone's sight on the way to his front door. The house wasn't huge but still a decent size, and incredibly flat, especially for a home in the Hollywood Hills. You rang the bell and kept your head down, and a moment later, a middle aged man in a white button up polo answered the door.

"Name?" He demanded coldly.

"Y/N?" it came out a question. He looked you up and down, then stepped aside to reveal the somewhat narrow corridor that connected the house's main living, dining, and entertainment areas together. It was dark, and you were in an altered state of mind the last time you'd been here, so everything seemed new to you.

"I'll go get Evan," the man said before disappearing down a hallway. For you to call him Evan seemed too personal, but using his full name made you feel like a fangirl. You decided you just wouldn't address him.

You looked around while you waited: the living room had a marble topped bar alongside a puzzle table, chairs, and a complete wall of floor-to-ceiling oak cabinets that hid what had to be a state-of-the-art entertainment system. You let yourself wander to the dining area located just off the kitchen, it was anchored by a massive concrete fireplace and a very minimal floating shelf that displayed untouched cookbooks and utensils. You stifled a laugh thinking about the kinds of things he'd attempt to cook.

"Well well," he came sauntering down the hall towards me. "Couldn't stay away huh?"

"I'll be out of here just as fast--"

"Kidding," he held his hands up in defense. "Totally kidding, I'm glad you're here."

You nodded, and followed him when he led you over to the coffee table covered in papers. You two sat and, upon closer inspection, they looked a lot more like official documents.

' less than thirty days....five thousand dollars and zero cents.....must make public appearances and statements....'

You skimmed words and phrases, your stomach was in knots but you couldn't go back now. You listened here and there to the man explain some of the requirements, some of which included online-bating-but-not-confirming for a while that you two are 'actually' dating; apparently that stuff is good to get people talking and theorizing. You signed where he pointed, looking over to Evan sometimes and seeing that he looked like a kid in a candy shop, god knows why. You learned that you'd get half the money now, and the other half once the job was done; that was good enough for you. Once the last signature was signed, you accepted your $2500, shook hands with the man, then he shook with Evan, and he was gone soon after that.

"So.. I guess you're my girlfriend now," Evan smiled playfully.

"Pretend girlfriend," you corrected. "But yeah. Until July 20th."

"Right yeah," he nodded awkwardly. How he managed to seem innocently happy and like an entitled twit at the same time baffled you.

"Am I free to go?"

"Kind of, just wait a few more minutes they should be here."

You looked around, "Who?"

He held up a finger to signal 'wait', and looked out one of his large windows.

"Alright come on," he took your hand and led you away. He plastered his best TV smile on his face before opening the front door without warning, "Put on a show."

Paparazzi down at the gate snapped photos and shouted for his attention as he wrapped his arms around you and planted a fat kiss on your cheek. As he peppered more kisses all over your forehead and over your jaw, you were reminded of what he'd told you in the Lyft the night you met: he doesn't kiss on the lips. For that you were suddenly thankful.

When the initial shock of the situation was shoved deep down, you got with the program and did your best to giggle in his embrace, turning your face and smiling for the strangers lined up on his property. Evan's hands crept down to rest at the small of your back and you shivered. 

This was going to be the longest month of your life.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now