strawberry ice cream

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      The next six days went by like a dream; you had to work a few days, but was was visibly happier while there, more confident in general, and actually looked forward to you and Evan's scheduled public hangouts. He'd even risked being seen on your busy street to say goodbye to your parents with you when they left on the 15th. You two had gone inside your house for just a bit, and he noticed you were missing a few of the paintings that hung around before. You credited it to his shout out on Instagram, and informed him they'd been selling like wild since then. He looked you in the eye and told you that you deserved it; gratitude and humility came over you all at once. You repressed thoughts of your first night together that wished you'd appreciated it more in the moment; now you never knew when it was appropriate to touch him some place as innocent as his arm.

On the 19th, you had work again, but a shift with Kyro meant extra breaks, and extra time on those breaks. You two took turns throughout the day sitting to scroll on your phones or to go snack outside when it got especially slow. During one of your sit downs, you got a text from an unknown number that instructed you to delete all evidence of Evan and your relationship from any social media you may have posted those things to, so people would begin speculating about a breakup. You tried to deny that your heart sank; you dreaded the break up, fake or not. That enchanting boy with his covert selflessness and deep brown eyes had your heart, whether you wanted to admit it aloud it or not.

The following day, you two arranged for you to come over to his place. He told you there'd be no pressure of paparazzi, this was simply you guys wanting to hang out. You wondered how things would be after the 26th.

"It's unlocked," Evan called from the other side of his front door after you knocked. You revealed the box of movie theater popcorn you brought, and he let out an aw hell yeah as he came to retrieve it.

"You know me well," he pointed a bag of the kernels in your direction before popping it in the microwave. You nodded proudly and searched for the remote on his sofa. "And I know you too," he said, holding a box of waffle cones, which were easily the best way to eat ice cream.

"Ice cream flavor?" You stood excitedly to meet with him in the kitchen, and there was a newfound tension between you. He opened his oversized freezer with a smirk to reveal two tubs; strawberry and Dulce de Leche. You let out a groan at the latter with a hand over your heart, and Evan laughed. His genuine, contagious laugh; you looked away to conceal your adoration. You watched his microwaving bag spin and pop while he dug around to find an ice cream scoop, and filled two cones.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked, handing you your cone.

You got an idea, a sly smile appearing along with it, "How about your show?"

"Hell no," he put the tub back in the freezer, and threw the scoop in the sink. "I don't watch things I'm in."

"Oh all the things," you teased. "Isn't it just that one show?"

"And some commercials," he corrected jestingly.

"Excuse me Mr. Hollywood," you replied, and you two took your seats next to each other on the sofa. He took his cone from the bowl it'd been sitting in upside down, and you said, "I only suggested it cause I haven't seen it."

He froze in place, and only his eyes moved to playfully leer at you. "Haven't seen it?!" he finally said, and you shook your head. "You slept with me before even watching my show?"

You nodded and smothered a giggle. He had the remote instantly, and opened Netflix to find his pride and joy, the longest thing he'd starred in.

"You're ridiculous," he shook his head at you as the theme song played. "You know how weird this is?"

You shrugged victoriously, and sat happily with your cone. After a few minutes, Evan appeared on the screen, and you looked over at him with excitement, which quickly turned to horror as you noticed how messily he was eating his strawberry cone; absolutely no pattern or technique at all. It dripped down the side and touched his finger, and another drop ran down his chin.

"Oh gross come on," you blurted out, and got a blank stare from him in response. You gestured to your own chin to get him to wipe his, but he kept licking the wrong side, the wrong part of his lip, just barely missing every time.

"You're really gonna make me do this cliché shit?" you deadpanned. "You probably planned this--" you started as you wiped your thumb over the sweet liquid on his face, but was cut short as he caught your hand before you could react, and held eye contact as he took your thumb in his mouth to suck it clean. 

Your lips parted involuntarily and you couldn't suppress a quiet gasp. He released your now clean thumb, and placed a kiss on your fingertips; the tension between you was damn near tangible at this point. He sent your heart to your throat with the slight raise of his eyebrows, brown eyes pleading.

Only a split second before Evan did the same, you threw your cone into the bowl on the table: both your half eaten snacks were forgotten in an instant as you moved from your seat and straddled him, his grip tight on your hips. Your hands flew to his cheeks and you stared intently at his lips, you never wanted to kiss anyone more. You looked to his eyes for approval, but they flickered with regret when you tried to close the distance between your faces.

   "D-Don't," he breathed, cheeks red. "I shouldn't."

It took everything you had to back off then, after being so close, but you wouldn't do anything he was uncomfortable with. You nodded, and began kissing and sucking just below his ear instead: the moan he let out was heavenly. You only broke contact for him to remove your top and discard it somewhere on the floor. In only a bra and shorts, he stared at you as he stood, his lips pink and eyes dilated, and he carried you to his room with your legs wrapped around his waist. You could feel him hard against you with every step he took; you left your rational thoughts behind as you passed the threshold of his bedroom. 

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