it's all PR

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      By the time you got home, which was without your bike as Evan paid for a ride for you, Kyro and Nova had both texted. The paparazzi's official photos weren't released yet, but the few they took on their phones were. Zoomed in, clear as day, there was you and Evan wrapped in each other's arms in his doorway, beaming frauds.

Kyro < smh lmao, get that check i guess
Y/N < 5 grand changed my mind, and my parents are coming to town to meet 'my new love'
Nova < bro so ur telling me you get five thousand dollars AND to be evan peters' gf for a month ..
Nova < how does it feel to live my dream
Y/N < ur ridiculous lol. feels more like a nightmare

She went on a bit more about how lucky you were, but you felt like you were just selling yourself, and for what? This random guy's career? And who knows how they'd write you out of the picture; hopefully peacefully, so you didn't get cyber-bullied and hated on for the rest of your life.

You set your phone down and filled up your old, lousy coffee maker. It sputtered your hot drink into your favorite strawberry-printed mug, and just when you sat with it to relax, your phone pinged with a photo from an unsaved number. It was a picture that you knew was Evan, but he had his hand up to conveniently block out his face. The text along with it read, "Post to a social media of your choice tomorrow afternoon, get people talking with a tease."

Seemed too formal to be Evan himself, must be one of his agents. This had to be the weirdest 'job' you'd ever have, you hoped you'd be able to get used to it and through the next 30 days.


      The following afternoon, you did as the text said. The picture of Evan was posted on your Instagram -- which you'd now had to make public again -- looking very out of place. You captioned it with a few emojis, your brain blanking on a proper caption for this lie of a photo. Comments, likes, and speculation came flooding in pretty quick, and you shut your phone off to ignore it all. The next two days were a little strange, but bearable. You worked with your insufferable boss one day, and Kyro the next. Some of Evan's fans tried to be subtle and snap a few photos of you looking your worst in gloves and a hairnet, but you noticed them every time. You could ignore them as long as they didn't come up and bother you.
After that, your day off meant you had to head to Evan's and be photographed going in, then out a few hours later. You two arranged that your commute to and from his house would be covered by him, so you looked out for the car he'd sent, and rode to his place. When you arrived, there were no crowds of photographers, but his own "people" snapping a few low quality pictures of you.

"Don't look at the camera," he instructed, and you did your best to ignore his presence.

A second later Evan was popping out of his doorway, rushing over to you excitedly. If you didn't know he was an actor you'd say his joy was genuine. Once he reached you, he kissed your forehead and smiled down at you, and playing along you smiled back. Then he faked like he'd just noticed the camera, and put his arm around you to shield you from it. He pretend shouted some things for the sake of looking angry and annoyed that you two had been "caught" in the pictures, and ushered you into his house.

"Nice," he broke contact as soon as you got in the door.

"I can't get used to that," you muttered, fixing your hair a little. "How do you just do that?"

"I'm an actor," he shrugged, and began removing the bracelet you'd never seen him without from his wrist. "Here."

You took it, "What this for?"

"Wear it," he led you through down the hall toward the living room. "Fans will notice."

You shook your head lightly, but put the thing on anyway. When you guys got to the living room, you stopped dead in your tracks. A girl in only an oversized T-shirt lay sprawled over Evan's couch, scrolling on her phone. He walked right past her to the bathroom and neither acknowledged the other, nor you.

"Hello?" you finally spoke in an frustrated tone. 

The blonde finally met your gaze, then let her phone drop onto her chest and put her hands up in mock defense. "Ohh nooo," she gasped sarcastically. "She caught us!"

You stared in silence, perplexed. After a second of silence she burst into laughter.

"Kidding sweetie, I know it's all PR," she waved a hand at you and went back to her phone. "I think it's cute."

You did not find any of this cute. You finally voiced one of your many questions, "So, what are you like his real girlfriend?"

"Ha, as if. He couldn't tie me down if he wanted to," she started gathering herself to leave, you assumed. "No, just a quick fuck. Probably won't ever see him again. Tell him bye for me, would ya?"

Your eyes followed her, and you opened your mouth to speak but she interrupted.

"You're a doll, thanks!" And just like that she was out the door. You heard the toilet flush from the bathroom and didn't move a muscle once Evan had returned.

"What's up?" He wore an amused little grin, and wiped his hands on the front of his jeans.

"What do you mean what's--" you pointed behind me with your thumb. "Could you at least have your fuck buddies out of here before I come in? What if there's photos of her leaving? I'd be the laughing stock of the city getting cheated on--"

"Okay, okay," he said calmly, attempting to diffuse the situation. "You're right, I'll make sure it won't happen again. Sorry babe."

"This is humiliating," you let out a sigh and sat on the far end of his couch a minute after he did. "And I'm not your babe."

"What can I do to fix it?"

"Nothing," you put your hands between your knees. "How long do I have to be here?"

"Just a few hours," he began scrolling through streaming services, man-spreading on his end of the couch.

You finally snuck a glance at him, and wished he weren't attractive. You could smell his enticing cologne from where you sat, and fought off thoughts of scooting ever-so-slightly closer to him. Would you feel a jolt of electricity if you brushed shoulders, or if he laid his hand on your knee?

      Stop it. This is all a game to him. 

He just had a half-naked blonde laying right where you sat not 10 minutes ago. He must've caught you looking at him, the corners of his mouth turned up when he spoke; 

"See something you like?"

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