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      Gasps erupted from the crowd that could see what happened, and the girl stumbled back a few feet, a blubbering mess. Nova stood and covered her mouth, hardly attempting to shield her laughter. You laughed right alongside her as photos and videos began flashing all around you guys. The girl's friend held her back by both arms, apologizing profusely while her soaked friend shouted to you, repeatedly threatening your life. You couldn't bring yourself to care. Kyro came over, his hand also over his mouth, and you kept laughing your ass off until the girl was out of sight.

Once the entertainment was gone, other girls rushed up to you and drowned you in extremely odd questions.
   "What does Evan smell like?"
   "Is he good in bed?"
   "Will you give him my number?"

You were abruptly overwhelmed, and your friends could tell. They did their best to shield you from the crowd of girls, who weren't too pleased with your ignoring them, and led you out the back. You lost them in a bigger crowd of people who couldn't give a shit less who you were. So much for a relaxing night out.


   A couple days later, the drunk girl from the bar found your Instagram, and wasted who knows how long commenting hateful things on every one of your posts. On your break at work you found them, shook your head at her pitiful life and blocked her; problem solved. Right after taking a huge bite of your sandwich, your phone rang, and Evan's name popped onto your screen. Of course.

"Hummo?" you said through a mouthful of turkey and cheese.

"Are you trying to ruin me?" his exasperated voice came through the phone. You swallowed your bite before asking what he was talking about. "My agents are not happy at all with that whole bar incident. They said you're making it look like I'm dating a troublemaker."

"Maybe you are," you joked, eyeing your next bite. "Maybe you should find someone a little more behaved and compliant to fake date."

He sighed, and you wished you could see the annoyed look on his face. "I'm serious, knock it off. You signed the contract, remember? Plus your parents will be here soon."

You rolled your eyes and mockingly mouthed his words along with him.

"Quit that, I can see you," he informed you. You dropped your nonsense and looked around quickly.

"Liar, where are you?"

"Down the street, by the stop sign."

You squinted to see, and could barely make out a shape that you guessed could be him. He waved; man he must have good eyesight. "Now look happy," he instructed. "I'm coming to 'surprise' you at work."

"Don't you da--" you began to protest, but he hung up and you could see him getting closer and closer.

A few stores down, he took off his hat and glasses, revealing to the world who he was. You could already see him catching some eyes, and people pulling out their phones to snap pictures; you could strangle him. You wiped some crumbs off your shirt and made sure there was no mayo on your mouth. He reached you before you knew it and you stood excitedly to hug him.

"Nice," he whispered to you without moving his lips. "Good girl."

You kept your fake smile, and said like a ventriloquist, "Bite me."


      The next day, you guys' lovey-dovey interview aired; that seemed to get people off your back a little and put you on their good side again. The day after that, you stood in your sad excuse for a driveway waiting for your parents. You lived on a busy street and didn't want anyone to recognize you and learn your address, so there you stood with sunglasses and a hoody in almost mid-July. You shifted back and forth from one bare foot to the other, and tried to ignore the sweat drop you could feel falling down the back of your neck. Your parents had texted you ten minutes ago and said they were five minutes away, so, knowing them, you came outside to wait after 8 minutes. Finally, you saw their gold striped van from the 70's round the corner: they'd made it.

Your mom was out of the passenger seat as soon as it was safe enough to do so, rushing over to you and excitedly saying your name. She wrapped her arms around your waist, as she was just a few inches shorter than you, and you watched your dad over her shoulder pulling their tote bags from the back. You smiled at him and waved, and he mirrored you.

"My baby," your mom held you a foot away from her and looked you up and down. "Look how much your hair's grown."

"Evelyn do you mind grabbing the pillows?" Your father called to her, arms full of bags.

"Mom I have pillows you could've used," you told her. She waved you off as if it'd have been the biggest inconvenience to ask to use your pillows.

"One second Myles I'm coming," she trotted back to the car and grabbed some things.
You figured you should help them too despite probably having sweat a gallon at this point. Once you all got inside, the AC was literally a breath of fresh air, and everyone relaxed in a seat after dropping their bags on the ground.

"Look at my girl having to wear a disguise," your mom nudged your dad and pointed proudly at you. "A regular celebrity."

You bashfully removed your glasses and peeled your hoodie off. You looked over to your parents, you couldn't believe they were finally here, and only for the second time. They'd helped you move a year ago, and hadn't come back since. Your mom's long black hair had only a few grays and went to her mid back. She wore it today how she always had as long as you can remember: half up, half down. Your father's hair was her opposite, mostly gray with a few dark strands still hanging around. He was a good two feet taller than her if not more, and redder than anyone you'd ever seen. He wasn't a drinker and didn't spend much time in the sun, so you couldn't explain it but, he was just always tinged red.

"So what do you kids get into around here?" he finally spoke.

"To be honest I've only been to a few places my friends have dragged me to," you told them. "Otherwise I really just like to stay in and paint. We can look for some cool restaurants or something if you-"

"Ooh! Honey look at this," your mom excitedly interrupted, and put her phone too close in your dad's face. He backed up a few inches and squinted. "Facebook says there's gonna be a left-over firework show on Venice beach on the 12th!"

He nodded unenthusiastically, and she turned to you, "How's that sound?"

Honestly, horrible. For someone from Arizona, you couldn't stand excessive heat. Let alone a crowded beach with sand that gets everywhere you don't want it to be. Plus, people would probably be coming up to you. 

But -- you just couldn't tell her no.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now