show you off

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      You couldn't suppress the small whimper that escaped when you felt the tip of his tongue slide over your lip, and you let yourself melt in his arms. You two were completely alone in the world, everyone and everything else dissolving away. His kisses were slow, deep. You didn't put up a fight when his hands crept downward, nor did he when you tugged slightly at his waistband.

For the third time since you'd met, you guys stumbled into his room, breaking from each other as little as possible. Clothes hit the floor. The heat from your bare bodies pressing together enveloped you. Sweaty hands gripped the sheets at the familiar feeling of him pushing into you once again. You found a rhythm together and he let out noises that had you in euphoric shambles. You kissed again and again throughout, almost missing each other's mouths toward the end as his speed picked up. You decided you'd never get tired of hearing him hit his climax. Knowing you'd reached yours minutes before him, he collapsed just next to you, your chests rising and falling rapidly.

You looked at each other in adoration a moment later; a wordless conversation deciding that you'd be sticking around tonight, and probably for a while after that. He switched the lamp on his bedside table off, and after a few more lingering kisses in various spots, you were tangled together again for sleep.


      When you woke up, Evan was on his side, propped up on his elbow and looking right at you: it made you jump.

   "Sorry, sorry," he said in a hushed voice, and reached up to stroke your face with his index finger. 

You batted your eyes at him, "Did you mean what you said? About..."

"Of course I love you Y/N," he admitted without hesitation, and your heart swelled. "That's why I got stupid and tried to trick you into being my pretend girlfriend for just a little longer. I thought maybe with an extra couple weeks I could get you to fall for me too."

His words meant so much to you. "You didn't need an extra two weeks, you had me after the first one. I tried to stay detached and remind myself that it was all for show but... sometimes I felt like it wasn't."

"You're right about that," he kissed your lips again and you were instantly pink. Lost in otherworldly joy, you had momentarily forgotten about the phone call you'd overheard that started your argument: now you were painfully reminded.

"But... your agents," you said downheartedly. "They want me gone. Your fans want me gone. What if--"

"I think what I want matters a little more. And if they're pissed, they'll get over it."

"What if they don't?" you worried.

"Then they weren't real fans. As for my agents," he sighed and shrugged. "I'm willing to risk everything to be with you."

You wrapped him quickly and tightly into the best laying-down-hug you could manage. He nuzzled his face in your neck and left a few kisses there. Seeing that you were satisfied with his answers, he jumped out of bed for the first time today.

"You want something to eat?" He put his hand on his stomach. "I can order something."

You sat up with a playful smile, "What, no homemade Belgian waffles for 'The Morning After'?"

"Right," he scoffed, rounding the bed. "My personal chef's on vacation."

You giggled, then jumped up yourself and headed out of the room bumping hips with him. At the his kitchen table, he stuck to his word and ordered you guys a buffet of a breakfast that promised to arrive in 28 minutes. Evan kissed your cheek and took a seat next to you to wait when Nova texted in the group chat. She asked how you were feeling, and you sent her a selfie of you and your new boyfriend beaming in response.

Kyro < yea wtf, he hire you again ??
Y/N < its real now :) i hate to say this but nova you were right lol, we did in fact 'fall in luvvv'
Kyro < fr ? :)

Evan was peeking over your shoulder and reading the messages as they popped up, and told you he'd definitely want to meet your friends sometime. You let them know, and Nova sent an array of blurry pictures of herself pretending -- at least you hoped -- to fall down some stairs in excitement. You laughed at her and clicked your phone off. Evan went to shower, and by the time he was finished, the food had arrived and you'd set it all out on the table.

"I could get used to this," he came up behind you and grabbed a hash brown. 

You two ate together and talked about how things might go with his agents, telling them your faux romance had become authentic; he predicted a positive outcome, at least eventually. When you finished and all of our trash was thrown away, and you turned to see Evan looking at you with a devilish grin.

"What?" you had to know what he was plotting.

"Did you see? Someone, not naming any names, tipped off the paparazzi about 20 minutes ago that Y/N might be at Evan Peters' house right this very moment." He faked a gasped, and his face let you know it was in fact him that sent the tip.

Your face twisted in with a mix of a grimace and a smile as you went to peek out the window; yep, his gate was lined with camera clad men and women shouting for his attention.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I wanna show you off," he took your hand and led you to the door. "For real this time."

You stared up at him joyously, and he squeezed your hand, then opened the door. The people at the gate started flashing their cameras immediately. You took a few steps closer before Evan pulled you to him, and kissed you fervently: and it was finally for no one's benefit but you two's very own.

Just One Night || Evan Peters AUWhere stories live. Discover now