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      You didn't know what to rush to do first, tidy up the living room or get dressed. You wrapped your hair in a small microfiber towel, and fastened a normal sized one around the area just below your collarbones. In the living room you fixed some pictures that hung crooked, threw some balled up socks in the closest hamper, and switched your Scentsy on. There was already frantic knocking at your door before you could get dressed. You ripped the smaller towel off your head and shook your hair out on the way to the door. Ugh, he was the last person you wanted to see you like this. You reluctantly opened the door and Evan stormed in without a second glance.

      "Are you nuts?" He demanded, turning toward you.

      You locked the door behind him and pulled your towel up a bit more. "Hello to you, too."

      He closed his eyes for a second and shook his head, "I'm serious, what were you thinking going out in public with that guy?"

      "I didn't think it would be a huge deal, ok? I picked a movie so it was dark and quiet and hoped nobody would notice me."

      "Well they did. The picture of you with that idiot next to you is everywhere," his hands fell and slapped his thighs. "Thank god you put your hand up so at least we can deny its you."

      "Exactly, so why are you all upset?"

      "Cause you weren't careful enough! You shouldn't have been out with him."

      A suspicion crept in that he wasn't only upset about the photo, but you shut it down quick. All of a sudden, you were defensive; who was he to storm in here accusing you of things he was guilty of as well?

      "I'm not being careful enough?" you began, pointing to yourself. "You're the one with random women and their underwear all over your house. Even I've caught you twice now."

      "Yeah well you're not the paparazzi," he said with wry amusement. "I'm a pro with them. You, not so much."

      You crossed your arms and glared at him in silence for a moment before speaking, "So should I deny its me, or just say he's my cousin?"

      "Deny it's you. Please," he pleaded, and then, "Was it your cousin?"

      "No, it was a date."

      "That's your boyfriend?" he sounded entertained in disbelief.

      "Not... exactly," you turned away from him to plop down on your couch, which was half the size of his.

      "You guys broke up?"

      "We weren't, really together per se," you avoided eye contact.

      He didn't even try to fight his triumphant smile, and sat down next to you. You were suddenly very aware that you were in fact naked besides a towel. "So, you lied?" 

You didn't respond. 

      "Why would you lie about having a boyfriend?"

      "Why'd you get so upset when I told you I had one, then not speak to me at all after the interview?" you retaliated, and it wiped that smug look right off his face.

      You two sat quietly before he stood again, "Well. I think you get the point of this visit. Be careful if you wanna go out with a second pretend boyfriend."

      How you wanted to stick your tongue out and blow raspberries at him like a child. Instead, you said, "Will do. Don't forget we have dinner with my parents in eight days."

      "Already got the reservation," he took a few steps toward the exit. "You're not gonna let me out?"

      You didn't budge from your spot on the couch with your legs crossed. "I trust you know how to open a door."

He shook his head and smiled at the ground, glanced back at you once more, and disappeared.


      There you stood, a few days later, at another club you'd never been to, beside your two closest friends. Kyro was on the dancefloor, glitter on his face and drink in his raised hand; you lived vicariously through him. Nova was next to you on a barstool, her back arched far more than necessary, fingers tracing the rim of her glass as she flirted up a storm with some middle aged man. You knew coming here it would be extremely loud and crowded, so you pre-gamed with two shots: just enough for some of that idgaf attitude. You'd just started nodding your head along to the insane bass song that blasted through the surround-sound speakers when a pointy finger was digging into your shoulder in repetitive tap tap taps.

   "Hey, you're Evan Peters' girlfriend," she shouted over the music and a little too close in your face. God were you sick of that greeting. You weren't doing anything troublesome, so you didn't deny it, but you didn't confirm it either.

   "I saw that picture of you with that guy at the movie theater," she said harshly. "Why are you cheating on Evan?"

You shook your head with a small smile, and turned away from her.

   "I'm talking to you, stuck up bitch," she slurred, poking your back again. This caught Nova's attention and she turned to face the drunk girl.

   "The fuck are you talking about?" She stood and put her arm in front of you.

   "Your bitch of a friend, she's cheating on Evan Peters, you don't know that?"

   "You have no idea what you're talking about," she laughed in the girl's face, which rightfully infuriated her further. "Go play somewhere else."

Nova returned to her seat and did the coocoo motion with her finger around her ear. You picked up your drink with a smile, thankful for your loyal friend, and just as you touched it to your lips, felt a hard kick to the back of your knee which caused you to sink a few inches. You turned immediately, as did Nova, to see the drunk girl now coupled with an equally drunk friend, looking very pleased with herself. You smiled back at her, looked down into your drink, then threw it as quick as you could into her face.

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