one of those faces

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      Before heading out the next night, you texted the group chat to let them know where you'd be, along with a screenshot of the guy's profile.

Nova < gross. evan's better
Kyro < girl be supportive, it's fake w him
Nova < i know but maybe they'll fall in luvvvv
Kyro < this aint a damn hallmark movie let the girl live
Nova < boo hiss .

You giggled at Kyro's remark and set your phone down to take one last look in the mirror. Going over your casual outfit, you noticed you were still wearing Evan's bracelet that he gave you just over a week ago. Guilt flooded your chest as you took it off and laid it on the side of the sink. Your phone lit up again.

Bumble Jordan < see you in 15 ;)

You were nervous, but not in a fun way. Your relationship with Evan was only for show, so why did this feel like a betrayal?


      Bumble Jordan stood in front of the movie theater, hands in his pockets. He had a thick white jacket on and a bright red shirt underneath. His pants, at least from here, looked like basketball short material with red and white stripes down the side of the leg; you suddenly felt overdressed. As you got closer, you realized his hair was a lot longer than it was in his picture. You tried not to think judgmentally, but it seemed almost matted and very brittle, especially the small curls on the ends that reached his shoulders. You faked a smile, which you were getting good at from all this minor acting, and he tilted his chin up at you as a greeting.

"Y/N?" He asked, coming closer to meet you halfway.

"Yup, you're Jordan?"

"Yeah," he took one hand from his pocket and pointed behind him with his thumb. "Shall we?"

You nodded and followed him over to the booth, letting him speak for you. "Ticket for one please."

Oh, okay. You supposed a first date was a little early to expect them to pay, but.. it took you a little by surprise. Once he got his ticket, you ordered yours as well, and you two headed to the snack counter. He didn't ask if you wanted anything, and you didn't order anything for yourself either. Nova texted and asked if you were okay, as if she could read your mind. You told her you were perfectly safe, but there were no fireworks or butterflies; she sent back the poop emoji.

Bumble Jordan and you sat through the movie, you had to focus hard on the dialogue though as he chomped and slurped loudly beside you. He was also a movie talker, which was one of your biggest pet peeves. You also hated to admit, but when he made certain movements, you got a whiff of old cheese. A part of you missed Evan's strong cologne.

Two long hours later, the credits rolled and you stood the second the lights came back on. Bumble Jordan removed his feet from the back of the chair in front of him, and stood to smile at you. 

"What'd you think?"

The movie. "Oh-- it was cool." You honestly were hardly paying attention, it was some cliché, action-packed movie.

"I thought so too," he wiped his buttery fingers on his pants, and you prayed that he wouldn't attempt to touch you as you guys walked out. In the crowd dispersing from the theater, you saw a girl pointing at you and whispering to her friend.

Just keep walking, don't do whatever you're thinking of doing.

Unfortunately for you she wasn't telepathic, and once you were all outside, she walked right up in front of you, blocking your path.

"Hey, aren't you Y/N?" She pointed at you, and Bumble Jordan looked back and forth between you guys in bewilderment. "You're dating Evan Peters, right?"

You looked to your date who seemed to have realization setting in, "Oh yeah, that's where I know you from."

"I knew it!" the girl did a small victory jump. "Oh my god, I have to call Morgan."

"No no, don't call Morgan," you gently grabbed her hands. "That's not me. I get that all the time, we just look a lot alike."

Her brows knit together, "Are you sure? You look just like her."

"Just one of those faces," you shrugged nonchalantly, hoping she'd buy it.

"Hmm," she tapped a few things on her phone, and suddenly the camera was pointed at you. The second you lifted your hand in front of your face, her flash appeared and the shutter noise of a photo being taken went off.

"Hey!" you protested, but she ran off in a fit of giggles.

"Are you really not her? 'Cause the resemblance is--"

"This isn't gonna work out," you adjusted your backpack a little more securely on your shoulders, and thanked you-from-ten-minutes-ago who called the Lyft early. You headed towards it as it pulled up, and Bumble Jordan turned his palms up in confusion.

"Wha- what'd I say?"

"It's not you," you climbed in the backseat of the black SUV: "It's me."

You felt bad, but it wasn't like you'd liked him anyway. The whole decision of tonight was a mistake. When you arrived home, you kicked your shoes off in exhaustion. You brushed your teeth and got undressed in record time, and shot a quick text to the group chat. You let them know you were home safe, they'd hear no more of Bumble Jordan, and you formally requested the 3 of you have a night out in a couple days. They happily accepted, and you sat your phone down and stepped in the shower.

You didn't know how long you stayed in there, exfoliating, wash-rinse-repeating, and going over the events of tonight a million times. When you got out, you slipped Evan's bracelet back on your wrist, and grabbed your phone again.

Holy shit. 6 missed calls and 13 unread texts from Evan. The last of which was from 10 minutes ago and said, 'I'm on my way.'

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