Chapter 8.

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"They get on my damn nerves, like I wasn't even that late so why trip that hard."

Anthony was venting to Jasmine at the lunch table about being grounded and not having his phone, he knew that he was prone to being late and that it bothered his parents but he was young and should be allowed to not be perfect all the time.

"Babe, they're just trying to mold you into a responsible person that's all and all you have to do is listen."

Jasmine stated defending his parents decision which only pissed Anthony off even more.

"Seriously, you can't be on my side about this one thing? You call yourself my girl but can't take my side on nothing."

He begin to chew her out.

"First of all if you wanted a yes man type of bitch then you got shit fucked up, I'm with what's right not with whoever I'm dating and maybe if you grew the fuck up and take accountability mommy and daddy wouldn't be so hard on you."

Jasmine said as she got up storming away from the conversation, Anthony cussed himself for putting his foot in his mouth once more as he noticed everyone staring. He got up throwing his trash away and rushing to go find Jasmine to beg for forgiveness.

With no luck he gave up and made a mental note to track her down after school instead, Anthony walked to his locker opening it grabbing the book he needed for his next class when he heard a throat clear behind him.

"Trouble in paradise?"

He rolled his eyes when he recognized who the voice belonged to, turning to face Renee he crossed his arms and leaned against his locker.

"Do I need to get a restraining order or something?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Don't get cocky nigga you ain't all that, I was just trying to check up on you after that little show y'all put on in the cafeteria."

"Well I'm good and we're doing great, anything else?"

"Nope, have a good day asshole."

She said as she made her way down the hall, Anthony resumed what he was doing when the bell rang prompting him to make his way to class. After school Anthony looked all over for Jasmine but he couldn't find her anywhere and if he had his phone he would just text or call her but no luck in that department, he knew his dad wasn't giving him his phone back anytime soon defeated Anthony made his way to his car as he approached he seen his brother and sister waiting on him.

"Jas was looking for you, you just missed her."

Niles said as Anthony was unlocking the door for everyone to get in.

"Fuck it, I'll just talk to her tomorrow."

Niles shrugged knowing he did what he was suppose to do.

"I heard y'all were arguing at lunch, what happened?"

"None of your damn business, that's what."

Quinn began to fume.

"If this is how you talk to females now no fucking wonder she's pissed, I don't know what's been up with you lately but you really should focus on fixing your fucking attitude cause it definitely ain't cute jackass."

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