chapter 1

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Jax pov

I'm woken up by the sound of my parents arguing I'm not sure what it's about but I bet it stupid I hear my older brother James let out a loud sigh it seems they woke him up too without a word being said between us,James gets up and walk over my bed pulling back the blankets he's lays down wrapping his arms around my waist and I instantly cuddle to his chest, everyone we have ever ment says we have a wierd relationship but I don't mind and I'm sure James doesn't eather or he would say something,he's a year older then me yet we have Always been really close growing up we were always there for each other all we ever had was each other James kisses my head and that all I remember before falling asleep to sound of his steady breathing

When I wake up in the morning I'm fled with dread that today is gonna be a bad day  I noticed James is still sleeping and the feeling in my chest gets heavier I just wanna stay in bed all day and never leave but then again I feel this way everyday I feel James stir and look up at his face as he eyes open we just stare at each other other for A while as if we are both agreeing that neather of us wanna go to school but sadly we have to we both have missed so many days already that we're on the verge of being kicked out of school after a few more minutes we get up and start getting ready for school I throw on a pair of sweatpants and still James favorite black hoodie it was a bit big on me judging by the fact that I'm 5'11 (which is pretty average) while  James is about 6'1, I finish putting on my converse as James grabs both our back packs we head down stars being as quit as possible not wanting to wake our parents expesully after there little argument last night were waking down the road when James breaks the comforting silence"hey Jax " I look up at James as i here my name being called I rase my eyebrow at him as if telling him to continue "mom and dad are gonna get me a bit early from school I have a doctor's appointment "
My face saddened a bit as I realized I'll have to walk home alone I hate being without James every time he's away from me something bad happens to me or him "can't I come with you " I say while doing  my puppy eyes I know he can't escape he's lets out a sigh "I wish JJ but you can't miss anymore school I'm sorry " I huff as I realized my eyes won't work on him this time and that sadly he was right
"Okkk fine" I say while James interviewed our hand together as we near the school he nows I hate big crowds and I don't even know why I just one day starting hating people the only person I let touch me is James my mom and dad do sometimes too but it's uncomfortable they have never really been that affectionate twords us but we had each other and that's all that matters we hug as we near the hallway that we gotta spilt up at "I'll see you after school JJ" he says while kissing my head for some reason I hold on extra tight to him the hug lasting longer then normal as that wierd felling tugged at my Hart again "I love you Jami " we split up and the farther I get away from him the more my chest hurts

It's just after lunch and I'm in my 6th hour class when I get called to the office,after getting a hall pass from the teacher I make my way towards the office the feeling comes back 10 times  stronger as I make my way there something bad definitely happened knocking on the door I wait for the principal to tell me it's ok to come in when he finally dose I open the door and my chest feels with anxiety right away as I stare at the people I see in the office

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