chapter 3

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Jax pov

It's been at least two days now and the principal contacted the police and everything went well for them at least, I'm gonna be staying with random strangers for A while we're on our way to my house right now so I can pack some of my stuff and I'm not too happy about going I don't want to see the house and be reminded of what I lost, I haven't really felt anything just numb and most night I cry myself to sleep just to wake up from a nightmare it tearable if this is how I have to spend the rest of my life numb and sad missing my other half I don't want to do it anymore

After a while we get to my house and I get out of the car walking up to the door and unlocking it I walk in and it looks just how I had last seen it except for the fact that my parents were not in the kitchen arguing about something stupid like always and my brother has yet to greet me with a hug with his big smile he always seemed to have I felt my self tearing up but I held them in I didn't need to cry again I walked up the stairs and got to mine and my brothers shared room but it's not my room anymore not without him, opening up the closet I grabbed the 2 bags and started filling them up with clothes and anything else I might need I grabbed my brothers favorite green hoodie and put it on over my clothes then I went to my bedside table and grabbed my sketchbooks along with green dinosaur stuffed animal that I named rex , when I finished grabbing all my stuff I looked around the room at all my brothers stuff and mine he still has all the drawings I've maid him over the years no matter how bad they where he always hung them up I looked at his dresser and seen his cologne that always wears no matter I grabbed it and out it in my bag I'm not ready to get over him yet I glance around the room one last time and flip the light switch on closing the door I let out a sigh this is harder then I thought, it shouldn't be this hard without them I didn't even like my parents that much but I still loved them it's hard to hard I made it to the front door and locked it on my way out this is probably my last time I'm ever gonna see  this house I grew up here it felt wierd like my heart has been ripped out and I didn't like it

The police officers were leaning up against the car "you got everything? Its gonna be a long drive kiddo"  I nodded my head and got in the car and boy where they right the drive was 8 hours long I'm not even sure where we're going I pulled out my head phones and out on my music Im tied but I can't sleep even if I tryd I wouldn't be able to I haven't been able to sleep correctly scene I usually slept with James and even then I would berly get any sleep I have very bad insomnia and being in the back of a cop car didn't help much it's so uncomfortable I zoned out for the rest of the ride listening to music the officers took turns driving they instead in getting there as early as possible probably wanting to get ride of me as fast as possible I don't blame them though

When we finally got to the house it was 12 in the afternoon and I was exhausted and probably looked like shit I haven't looked in a mirror for days now I haven't even bothered to shower or brush my hair which is disgusting but I don't care the officers walked up to the house and knocked on the door a tall man maybe about 6 foot opend the door he was wearing black jeans with a black button up shirt the sleeves were rolled up to the elbow and he was overly handsome he even had muscles which wasn't surprising but still and when he talked his voice was rough but soft at the same time it sounded nice "Is this Jaxon?" He asked while looking down at me "yes this is he's been through some rough times please take care of him" the man's eyes seemed to soften almost when they said that but there was also a hint of curiosity like he was trying to figure me out I didn't like it so I looked away "mhm right we'll try our best to make him feel safe come one in I'll introduce you to the boys they should be eating lunch right now  and then I'll show you to your room"
I nodded and wached as the officers got I there car and drove away I kinda felt sad that they left it sounds stupid but when I was with them it felt like nothing would hurt me I need to stop getting so attached to people right away he offered to take my bags but I shook my head no even if they where heavy I don't trust him to take my stuff "alright well come let's go to the kitchen " I followed behind him into the kitchen and there was 6 boys sitting around a table with two empty seats left the tall man cleared his throat "well I'll start my name is Danny and I'm the owner of the institution I'm 26 "  I looked up at him as he said all that and then one of the boys at the table jumped up while razing his hand he had dark brown hair and blue eyes with tan skin he seemed to be about 5'6 "I'll go next, my name is Azul I know it's wierd but my parents liked the color blue a lot I'm 19 and I love sharks!" He said all that with a big smile on his face I noticed that while he was talking all the boys had smiles on there faces he seemed to be the favorite or something the dude sitting next to him started talking he had black hair brown eyes and light skin with snake bite and a lot of piercings on his ears "my name's Max  I'm 20 and I like piercings"  then the dude sitting next to Oscar had brown hair with green eyes and brown skin" my name's ace I'm 21 and I like gardening" the person across from ace had dyed red hair and deep brown eyes almost black he had fairly tand skin " I'm axel I'm 19 and I like dyeing my hair" then the other two went they looked similar almost the same but one had blue eyes and the other had green they both had light skin with blonde hair "my name's Owen and my brothers name is Oscar we're both 20"  I looked around at all these people they where the people I'll be living with for a while I noticed it was my turn to talk and got shy I've never liked talking expesully to new people James was usually the one to do all the talking "umm my name's Jaxon I'm going to be 17 in a week I like drawing "  I said in almost a whisper but they still seemed to hear me "well Jaxon let me show you to your room you seem tired I can have one of the boys give you tore after breakfast tomorrow" I nodded my head and followed him out of the room and up some stairs then we walked down a hallway and came to a stop at the end he opened the door and I looked inside it was beautiful "I'll leave you alone to unpack all your stuff" he walked away and shut the door the room had dark green walls with dark green blanket and pillows on the bed and the window had black curtains there where some plants around the room and it honestly looked nice there was also some light brown shelves on the wall and a light brown dresser I walked to the bed and grabbed rex out of my bag setting him down I went and opened i door send it was the bathroom so I opened the other and it was a huge closet I began putting my stuff up which was just 5 pairs of sweatpants 3 pairs of jeans 7 shirts and 4 hoodies after all that I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror my black hair was all over the place my blue eyes looked skunk in and my skin was even more pale then it normally is I have deep eye bags and I haven't eaten or showered In like 4 days I decided it would be good to shower and then go to bed I hope in the shower stripe my clothes and looked down at my legs and arms where I seen my scars some wet purple some faded and berly noticable I had stopped hurting myself when James found out I still did it here and there but not as much after James found out I washed my hair out on a pair of pajama pants and the green hoodie then I went and laid down I had trouble falling asleep it wasn't until 3 hours later that I felt my eyes closing I held rex closer to my chest and feel asleep not to long after that I woke up from a bad dream I shot up out of bed and grabbed at my shirt it was sweaty and sticking to me I couldn't breathe my chest hurt so bad it hurt to even try and breath I started crying and it made my breathing worse I grabbed at my hair and started pulling on it then my door shot open and I couldn't see who it was until I heard there voice it was max his southing voice was like rough honey it was deep "hey hey its ok baby your fine I'm here " he grabbed me and hugged me to my chest he smelt like James "I-I can't bre-breath " my room felt like it was closing in on me and It was making me freak out even more "hey Jax it's ok baby your fine I got you breath ok copy my breathing"  I tryd to copying his breathing and he layed my head on his chest I normally would be embarrassed but I don't care right now I started calming down a bit "it's ok Jax do you wanna talk about ?"  I shook my head no and looked at the clock it was 3 am and I felt bad I woke him up "I'm sorry I woke y-you up"  "it's ok baby I was already awake " come on lay down I listened and laid down my head was still on his chest I knew I would be embarrassed when I woke up but that didn't matter right now,I listened to his heart beat it lured me back to sleep before I feel asleep I felt him kiss my head "it's ok baby I got you go to bed" and with that I fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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