chapter 2

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Jax pov

I stare at the principal and the two officers with confusion " Jax come sit down your not in trouble " I close the door and walk into the office sitting down in the chair It feels like hours go by but really it was only a few minutes before one of the officers spoke up "your name is Jaxon woods correct?" "Yes? Am in trouble?" I look at the principal and he looks down almost looking sad for me " no your not we have some bad news for you, your parents are Bella and Anderson woods correct" he says while lifting his eyebrow "yes are they ok? Is my brother James ok" the officers sigh before the other one speaks up "your parents had a car accident which resulted in neither of them surviving they died on impact " my eyes go wide in shock I may not have liked them that much but they were still my parents, the ones who gave birth to me, the ones who cared about me,I felt my eyes water "i-is my brother ok at least " the officer shakes his head "no I'm terribly sorry he died a few minutes before the ambulance could arrive in time " my eyes started to hurt as I tryd holding in my tears the lump on my throat began to ache I shook my head the tears finally falling "yo-your lying to me " my voice shook as my body began trembling "your n-not supposed to lie t-to me that's not your job " I brought my hands up to cover my face felling embarrassed for crying in front of them but then again I didn't care I just wanted to hug my brother I craved his touch "do you have any family members you could stay with till your 18?" I shook my head trying to hold in my sobs but it was no use "I'm afraid your gonna have to stay with us for a while just until we find you a place" "i-i don't wanna I want to go home please " "im afraid we cant so that im sorry,we will be taking you there to pack some clothes tomorrow " the principal came around his desk and put his hand on my shoulder "I believe I have a place he can stay at I know someone who runs a institution for boys I could give him a call and set it up if you guys like all though he hasn't taken any new recruits in for at least 2 years its worth a Shot " the principal obviously wasn't talking to me as it seemed my opinion didn't matter right now, but I didn't want to go live with a bunch of strangers I just wanted to go home and be with my parents even if they fought 24/7 I needed them just like I need my brother my heart was throbbing and I began regretting not staying home with James we would probably still be asleep right now cuddle up on my bed where it's warm and safe "that could work just give us a call to let us now the information and what this said friend says" the principal moved back to his desk while I sat there in the chair sobbing my eyes felt red and puffy

It wasn't the type of cry were there's only a few tears there was snot and saliva running down my face but I didn't care like I normally would "come on Jaxon let's get going" the principal walked up to me and put his hand out I just started at it not wanting to move if I didn't move then maybe this would all be a dream,I got up and followed the police out to there car I had calmed down a bit and i wasn't crying but i could still fill a ache in my heart "kid I know now is not the times but we gotta go to the hospital for you to see them and make sure it's them "
Nodding my head I turned to look out the window and watch as we made our way to the hospital I dreaded every second of the ride I didn't want to see them

After what seemed like years we arrived at the hospital "i-i don't wanna" I whisper as I hung my head down the officers stoped walking and turned twords me "you don't really have a choice you need to identify them"  "b-but why would you come and t-tell me that they died if your not sure it's them?"  "It's  protocol kid we have to" (I don't know what I'm doing 😭)  "now come on" we continued through the doors and stopped at the desk where a nurse was sitting "you the people here to identify bella and Anderson woods correct?"  "Yes ma'am we are what's the room number?"   After collecting the room number we took off to the room I had my head hung low the whole way there, the smell of sanitizer was giving me a head ache "where here head on in, unless you want us to come in with you?"  "N-no I'll go in". I walked into the room and froze letting the door close behind me they were laying so stiff looking on the bed they had no blankets or anything to cover them I saw everything the blood and the wounds that the crash had impacted, I can't believe they didn't at least clean them up before I came to see them
I stood there for a few minutes I could tell it was them my dad and mom had on there matching rings they gave each other when they were still teenagers and James I could tell it was him just by his hair it was a beautiful dirty blond he got it from my moms side while i got stuck with my dads boring black hair, his beautiful hair was dyed a slight red from blood my eyes began watering again I walked over to his bed and grabbed his hand it was cold his hands are always warm I started at his face he looked like he was sleeping but his face was bruised and bloody I let the tears fall down my cheeks I held on to his hand with a tight grip I couldn't believe that someone so cruel would take this sweet angle away from me he has always been kind to everyone he brought every one to life, letting go of his hand I walked over to my mom and dad grabbing both of their hands there faces looked more bloody then James I didn't want to look at them anymore it hurt me and tore at my heart until it aches

I looked at James and kissed him on the head "I love you Jami" I looked at my parents one last time the over to Jami before walking out into the hall were the two police men still were I was hoping they would forget about me "so is it them?". "yes it's them" I whisper with my head down already walking down the hallway trying to leave as fast as possible I have never liked hospitals

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