Ch.4 Lighting The Fire

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Josh's Pov

Yang and I are seen riding our motorcycle with the Shady Man through a forest in Anima.

Yang: "How much further, pal?"

Shady Man: "This should just about do it."

With that, Yang and I stop our bike at a clearing.

Shady Man: "You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear."

The Shady Man dismounts from the bike and runs into the bushes. Yang shakes her head in annoyance and discards her sunglasses, sleeve and coat tails before stretching a little. As I took off my coat and hung it on my bike as I readjusted my combat sling. Suddenly, someone pulls the trigger of a gun and Yang blocks the shot with her robotic arm. The Shady Man reappears with several bandits in tow.

Shady Man: "I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here."

The bandits present all have their weapons drawn at Yang and me.

Yang: "Is this everyone?"

Shady Man: "Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way."

He gestures behind him with his thumb. Yang points a finger in the same direction.

Yang: "That way?"

The Shady man grunts in confusion, before looking at his tribe mates first.

Shady Man: "Yes. That way."

Yang: "Good to know. Thanks. Hey, Josh let me handle this."

Josh: "Have at it."

Shady Man: "Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps."

He punches his fist as he says this to prove his point. Yang and me glare at them as she activates her gauntlet on her left arm and I talk my axe guitar out of its case, making the bandits get cautious and keep their weapons trained on us.

Shady Man: "You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart. But you really ought to think twice about fighting all-"

He cuts off when Yang engages the gun on her robotic arm. The rest of the bandits gasp and step back in slight fear.

Shady: "Man: Alright... Get her!"

While Yang was busy fighting the bandits, she doesn't notice another storming up behind her. Before she could even react, she hears a gunfire and the next thing she knew, an axe flies over her head and the guitar side hits the bandit directly in the head. Yang then me, dashing forward, catching the axe mid-air before giving the bandit a series of kicks as I flip my guitar.

Josh: "Are you okay Yang?"

She cautiously steps back from him, while holding her trembling left arm.

Yang: "I'm.... fine."

Josh: "Good."

She says this as she stares down at her robotic arm. Yang and I then walked over to our bikes as The Shady Man who fought Yang then starts coughing as he sits up.

Shady Man: "Who are you! It doesn't even matter. When Raven finds out what you did your dead."

Yang: "Possibly. But I doubt it. I am her daughter, after all."

The Shady Man just has a look of despair as he realised.

Shady Man: "I'm dead."

The Shady Man then falls to the ground.

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