Ch.11 The More The Merrier

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3rd Pov

Travelling on a ship to Mistral, the Resistance High Guards are seen training some of the Faunus on the ship's deck. Inside one of the larger quarters in the ship, Blake hands a cup of tea to ??? as Sun stands and leans his shoulder near the door.

Sun: "Sooo.......are you going to tell us your name."

???: "Oh I forgot well just call me 'Zero' for now."

Sun: "I'm guessing that's not your real name but ok 'Zero'."

'Zero': "Smart. Monkey."

Sun: "You seem a lot like Brisa."

Blake: "It just crossed my mind just now, 'Zero', but how and why did you come to Menagerie?"

'Zero' stays silent for a while as he stares at his reflection on the tea.

'Zero': "After the Beacon fell, I went on a search for Brisa. And when I found Brisa with you, I...."

Blake: "You followed us?"

'Zero': "I.... well, yes. I knew something bad was going to happen if the armour of the Elite guard captain were stolen. So, I snuked on board to find out if my suspicions were true. But when we arrived in Menagerie, I blew my cover."

Blake: "What happened after that?"

'Zero': "What else? I had to flee to the harsh wilderness of Menagerie."

Blake: "Why didn't you come to us sooner?"

'Zero': "I knew that if I were to make a move now, I'd just be endangering her life and anyone close to her even more. So, I decided to stay there until the coast was clear."

As 'Zero' continued his story, drinking tea whilst doing so, the acting leader of the Resistance High Guards enters the room, showing the radar to them and found Brisa's position at Haven Academy.

'Zero': "If she's in Haven Academy, then that only means one thing....."

Blake: "The White Fang must have gotten Brisa's mother on their side now....

Resistance High Guard: "That could be a problem, considering we will be facing against a noble Faunus, not to mention a highly-veteran Huntress. That could prove difficult for the conscripted Faunus we have with us."

'Zero': "Then train them..... harder, if necessary."

The acting leader of resistance Guards bows respectfully at 'Zero', before he leaves, but not before saying.

Resistance High Guard: "As you wish, Sir Ga-."

Extremely surprised, 'Zero' chokes on his tea as he stopped the guard from finishing as Sun and Blake stare at her in shock and confusion.

'Zero': "Still have to get used to that......"

Sun: "You're a.....?"

'Zero': A high member of the resistance, yes. Well, my connection has its own perks.....


A full moon illuminates the night sky above Haven Academy as Qrow takes the lead with the currently present members of Team RWBY, LADR, Razor, the remaining members of Team JNPR, and Oscar Pine following closely behind. Raiden, suddenly stops, completely uncomfortable. Josh notices this and stops beside him.

Josh: "You alright?"

Raiden: "No, I sense something.... Bad."

Without warning, Raiden sprints away from the group quietly, with Josh following hesitantly, as Cyra and others continue on, not noticing their sudden departure. Upon entering the building, they are greeted by Professor Lionheart, who is standing on a terrace at the top of the stairs that is being held up by a statue.

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