{6} L.D.S.K

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Based on Season 1, Episode 6 of Criminal Minds -


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Sophia picked up her keys holding the phone to her ear as she swings her bag round her shoulder.

"I'm fine mum," Sophia spoke as she twisted the handle of her doorknob "Im still wearing the bandage but only cause it sometimes hurts-."

As soon Sophia opened the door, Ryan was leaned against the door smiling.

"Hey car wrecker." He spoke smirking he had a box of 12 donuts in his hand.

"Mum I'll call you back." Sophia said taking away her flip phone from her ear and putting it in her bag.

"Hey Ryan." Sophia said smiling at the boy. After she injured her hand Ryan has messaged her everyday and checked on her which is very sweet of him.

"I was around. So I thought I would come check on ya." Ryan spoke as Sophia smiled.

"Of course. You were just around on the fifth floor of my apartment building at 6:30 in the morning?" Sophia replied still standing in the doorway.

Ryan carried on looking at her staring into her eyes.

"Fine. You got me their I just wanted to check on you and see if maybe you wanted to go see a movie with me tonight?"

Sophia looked at him before closing her apartment door "I'm so sorry to ditch you again, but I have work today and I will probably be flying tonight. Once I'm free we will totally go to the movies."

Sophia started walking to the elevator, Ryan following her. She pressed ground floor and the elevator started moving down.

"Sure. What do you mean by you will be flying? Are you like a flight attendant or something?" Ryan asked still holding the donuts and staring Sophia in the eye.

"I'm an FBI agent. I fly to like different states and solve cases." Sophia gave him the run down, his eyes widened when she said FBI agent.

"A real life FBI agent, huh," Ryan said as Sophia nodded "I did not expect that. Do you own a gun? Have you met any serial killers?"

"I deal with serial killers all the time." Sophia tells him as the elevator reaches the bottom floor and the doors open.

Sophia walks out with Ryan still following her.

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