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I keep walking along the wooden floor. Each step creaks under me. This wouldn't be  problem if it wasn't for the Janitor lurking nearby.

It raises it's head, sniffing the air for my scent. Then, with a screech, it starts charging towards my direction. Panicked, I start running and slide into a hole in the wall. It's long arms barely not catching me. 

Thinking I'm safe, I stand back up and catch my breath. Finally looking around the new room, I notice that the door to it is locked. Good, so he can't catch me in here.

This time, I make triple sure that I'm standing on carpet. I assume that since he has fantastic hearing, the carpet should muffle my footsteps. Just in case he still does hear me, I carefully tiptoe to the other end of the room.

The door in front of me is also locked. Why are both doors in this room locked? I frantically look around for a key, hoping it's in this room. Luckily, I see something shiny up on a pile of cabinets. 

The area around the cabinet is carpet, so I should hopefully not have to worry if I fall off while climbing. I hesitate for a moment, but push past it and walk towards the cabinets.

But before I could begin climbing it, something else appears beside the key up there. It's shadowy form let's me know exactly who it is. Before I know what's happening, Shadow Six pushes the key off of the cabinets. 

It falls right next to me and, confused as I was, I go over there and pick it up. By the time the key is in my hands, I look back up to Shadow find nothing there. 

Why are they helping me? I thought they were helping Six? Does this mean that Six is nearby? This whole situation is just so confusing. I don't trust Shadow Six one bit.

Swallowing my pride, I walk over to the locked door and put the key into the keyhole. I start turning it, and with a click the door slowly opens.

Before I can walk through the door, I hear sniffing. Wait...sniffing? My breath gets caught in my throat as I slowly turn to the other door behind me. It's still closed, he can't come through here...right? 


Huh? Wait is the Janitor unlocking the door? I...I should probably start running. As if confirming this theory, the other door opens. Of course, the Janitor steps through. He sniffs the air again, but I take no chances and bolt out of there.

I keep running, hoping to find some place out of his reach that I could hide. However, it's kind of  hard to look around with a logical mindset when my brain is in scrambles. I desperately try to run faster, but the Janitor is always right on my trail.

Finally, I notice an open vent in the wall. I start heading for that, hoping to make it there in time. Just before I make it in, I feel the Janitor's hands grab me from behind.

I desperately try to squirm out of them, but his hands are bigger than my whole body. The efforts I made were futile. Still, I keep trying to get out of his grasp but his hands seems to go even tighter around me.

My vision darkens, and despite my attempts to keep them open, my eyes slowly close. After a bit, all movements from me cease. Now, the Janitor holds an unconscious child in his hands. Luckily, that's what it wanted.

It walks over towards some cages lined up against the wall, and practically throws me in one. It closes the cage door behind me, and it begins dragging the cage behind them as it walks away. 

The screeching noise of the cage being dragged echoes throughout the Maw. Eventually, the Janitor makes it to his destination. A room with other cages scattered about in no meaningful order. Each one having a child inside it.

It slowly puts my cage next to another one in the middle of the room. Eventually, after looking around the room, it deems it's work done and leaves the room, closing the door behind it.

Unlikely Infatuation (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now