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There was a blaze of heat rushing towards me. How...? Why did that furnace turn on? Was it the Nome? I look around for my little buddy to confirm my suspicions. Eventually, after looking around the furnace for a bit, I finally spot the little guy. It seems to be picking up pieces of coal nearby and tossing it inside the furnace.

To tell the truth, I'm not knowledgeable about furnaces. I don't have the faintest clue what the Nome is doing. 

"H-Hey, Y/N." 

Someone taps on my shoulder, and I turn to see Seven behind me. He points over to a dark room near the blazing hot furnace. The dark room gives off bad vibes. Don't like it one bit. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any other way to progress. 

Seven, noticing that I'm hesitant, grabs my hand and leads me into the room. With his other hand, he turns on his flashlight to light the way up ahead. It doesn't ease my nerves, but it's a welcome change than just walking blindly in the dark.

We keep walking, now fully in the darkness with only Seven's flashlight leading the way. The only sound was our footsteps slightly echoing off the walls. However, this just made the noise of another Nome that much more loud. 

"Hm? Ah, wait Seven! I think there's another Nome here." I let go of his hand and run off towards the noise. Aimlessly, yes, but I had the confidence. Seven shines his flashlight over towards where I'm heading so I could see. It actually helped quite a bit! I'll make sure I thank him when I find the Nome.

Finally, I see the pointed head poking out amidst a cluster of coal nearby. I know that the Nomes are prone to running off quicker than people during Black Friday sales, so I try to sneak up on it instead. It should theoretically work, but I've always been bad theory crafting so I'm a bit nervous.

I try to make sure I don't step on any coal in my way. I'm sure the Nome would run off if it heard me breathe a little to hard. Finally, after what felt like ages, I make it behind the Nome. It seems to be playing with the coal, probably bored I assume.

Seeing an opportunity, I finally pick up the Nome from behind. It squirms a bit in my grasp, but as it notices I'm just hugging it, lets me do what I want. I try to gently put it back down, careful not to hurt it. They do look a bit fragile after all. Is that even the right word? I don't know...

The Nome waddles around for a bit, but then looks up at me curiously. I decide to ask Seven what should be obvious. "Should I take it to see the furnace?" He nods his head in response and shines his flashlight towards the entrance. I walk over to it, and the Nome follows close behind. Cute.

When I make it to the open door, I turn back to Seven. Turns out, that was a mistake. I looked directly into the bright flashlight. Closing my eyes tightly, I say what I was trying to say. 

"Um...I was wondering if there were any other Nomes in here?" After looking around, Seven deems it safe enough to say "N-No, I'm not seeing any. We should just g-go back to the furnace." I decide to finally open my eyes again, wary of the flashlight still being in my face.

Everything's blurry for a moment, and I blink a few times to readjust myself. I look back to Seven, a bit concerned that everything's still blurry. Instead of Seven, I instead see something I haven't saw in a long while.

Six, with her yellow raincoat, stares me down. Instinctively, I take several steps back trying to create distance between us. I try not to scream, despite me racing heart telling me to do so. However, despite that, she walks towards me menacingly. The blood on her raincoat becoming all the more visible. What did she do? How did she find me? Where's Seven? 

Then, nothing. Everything's back to how it was. Seven's shaking my shoulder, trying to snap me out of my weird trance. I decide to take several deep breaths. She isn't here, it's just Seven. It's okay.

"Are you okay?" He says, very concerned. Reluctantly, I nod my head. Since when did I get visions? Or was that a hallucination? I just don't know... "I-I'm fine, don't worry..." I say, trying to calm him down. Surprisingly, even the Nome looks at me, concerned. I give a small smile to it, trying to forget whatever all of that was.

But I can't help but wonder what it means...

Unlikely Infatuation (Yandere!Six x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now