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Six's POV

For one final time, I pulled apart the crate that was stopping the door from closing fully. The Janitor, who was behind it, had his arms through the cracks trying to find me. Unfortunately for him, the crate was no longer supporting the door as I slammed the door onto his arms.


The Janitor let out a pained cry, or at least that's what it sounded like. With the door now closed, I look to the now chopped off arms of the Janitor laying limp in front of me. Pathetic, really. That's what he gets for taken Y/N away from me.

I kick one of his limp arms lightly, just to make sure they aren't somehow still functioning. Luckily, they're as pathetic as the Janitor. Deeming myself safe, I crawl onto a pile of boxes in the corner of the room. Standing on the top of them, I crawl into a vent in the wall. Convenient.

I keep crawling forward, not bothering to turn on my lighter. Surely Y/N has to be somewhere close by. That idiotic Janitor couldn't have taken them far, and I doubt that weird shadow version of me will tell me where Y/N is. All of a sudden, I can't feel the ground in front of me. After a bit of falling, I finally hit the ground. 

Ow...I sit up and and rub my sore arm. Why was there even a drop? Well, I guess It's my fault, I should have turned on my lighter. I start crawling further into the vent once more, keeping my lighter on this time. Luckily, there was no more drops as I finally make it to the end of the vent.

There is now a ladder, going up to the exit of the vent. I grip the sides of it and start climbing up. It's surprising that this ladder is still sturdy enough to support any kind of weight. After what felt like forever, I hit the top. I place my hand on the cold ceiling, and push upwards. Like I thought, It was an opening out of the vent. I felt cold air breeze against my skin, but not in the outside sense. 

I climb the ladder a bit more, and climb out of the opening. After standing up, I stretch out my limbs. I was in there for a while, huh? Suddenly, I see something moving above me, shining a bit. Cautiously, I look up to see whatever it was. It seems to be some hooks going along on a rail to who knows where. 

Shadow Six makes itself known beside me. A bit irritated, I look over at them. What, are they here to mock me? Surprisingly, they just seem to be pointing at something above me. The hooks? Are they telling me to use those? An idea forms in my head, and I make my way to one of the hooks.

I jump up, trying to grab one of them. It hurts a bit, but it's necessary pain if I want to find Y/N. The hook keeps going forward as I leave the ground more and more. Eventually, I'm hanging over a huge pit. Usually, I'm not afraid of heights, but even this is a bit much. I tighten my grip on the hook, wincing at the pain that it brings me.


Huh? Drop? Why would I ever-

"Y/N and their new friend are down there. Drop."

Reluctantly, I start letting go of the hook. My hands were slipping anyway. I close my eyes tightly, bracing for massive impact. I feel the air brushing against me as I start falling. I sincerely hope I survive this fall. I need to.

I then crash into something, wood perhaps. Now that hurt more than my arm did some time ago. But I can't think about that right now. I can't think of anything, actually. I just keep falling. And falling. 

Then it all ends.

I open my eyes once more, hesitantly. I seem to have finally hit the bottom. I expected to be in a bit more pain than this, but I'll take it over death any day. I slowly start sitting up, looking around the new place. So this is where Y/N and their new companion are? I sigh, starting to painfully stand up. I don't even know why I trusted that weird voice, but whatever. Can't change what happened.

I look in front of me, and see a room full of darkness ahead. I look around me, looking for my lighter. Luckily, I find it laying just a few bit away from where I fell. I turn it on briefly, just to see if it still works. Good, good. It's fine. 

I turn back to the pitch-black darkness ahead of me, more determined than ever. 

I'll find Y/N soon enough...

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