Part Two, Chapter Three

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After the wedding, Toadette was appointed captain of the princess's handmaidens and royal guards. While as a guest, Peach only required one assistant, but as her duties in the castle expanded so did her need for assistance and advisors.

For the few months Toadette had spent working on arranging everything to ensure Peach's happiness and safety, she had been given a much higher wage. She was now regarded as a very important individual in the kingdom, and the only toad to outrank her was Captain Toad himself.

When Toadette had received King Boo's summons, she had already been preparing to bring Peach in for the night. This had become a regular occurrence. If Toadette herself did not accompany Peach on her outings, she would be there to welcome her back.

This, in turn, had made Toadette grow exhausted of Peach's social circle and constant partying. She had consulted Prince Bowser on several occasions, but they had both agreed that as an adult, Peach was free to come and go as she pleased.

The annoyance, however, continued to fester.

Once she had laid eyes on the very intoxicated princess, she was immediately altered to the fact that something was very wrong. "Thank you, King Boo, I will take it from here."

"Blessed." King Boo said, as a waitress refilled his chalice. "Take care of her." He said, as Toadette took the princess's hand.

Peach followed Toadette in silence. "Have you had too much to drink?" Toadette asked, knowing the answer was overwhelmingly positive.

"Yes." Peach said simply. "I just don't know where I fit in here. After all, I'm not queen, and well I have no real purpose here."

"You have so many duties and hobbies, you should be very proud of yourself, Peach." her friend said.

"Well, I'm not." Peach responded simply. "I'm not really sure what I'm meant to be doing. Bowser and I are just so different and I gave up so much to be with him..."

Toadette unlocked the door to Peach's quarters and they both entered. Peach began to undress and get into her sleepwear. Toadette clicked the bolt on the door, and rushed to assist the princess.

"Marriage takes compromise sometimes." Toadette reminded her, though she didn't really see much point in reassuring a drunk woman who likely wouldn't remember her words by the morning.

"I suppose you are right, Toadette. I just think I may have rushed into something... and I'm not sure I could ever take it back."

"You love Bowser." Toadette reminded once more.

"Indeed, but truly, I've never known love... so who's to say that what I feel even is love."

"You're just being silly, now, Peach. Let's get you off to bed, and we can talk more seriously in the morning." Toadette sighed sadly, she had never seen Peach anything less than confident. This was trying even for her. She poured Peach a glass of water and set it on the bedside table. By the time she had done so, Peach had already fallen asleep.

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