Chp 3- Getcho Mans

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The sound of a truck's engine roaring ripped through the quaint streets of Rosewood Creek. The quiet afternoon had now become my worst nightmare. Nate was speeding, driving with reckless abandon as he swerved through midtown traffic.

"Slow down," my panicked voice trembled as I held onto the back seat for dear life. My heart was doing jumping jacks; everyone's adrenaline set too high as the truck barreled down the road.

I didn't like this. The gut-wrenching feeling of going down a steep roller-coaster, strapped in, and I was trapped. I was starting to get sick and there were no promises I wouldn't be able to hold my barf in any longer.

"Go faster," Theo barked. The Alpha wasn't himself anymore. With blatant disregard, he shouted at Nate, his stoic composure completely gone. The deep-seated hatred radiated from his core, permeating the whole truck cabin. It was like a nuclear bomb had gone off. My bond mark burned, making me wince at the pain. Theo's dark emotions seeped into my own. I could feel what he wanted to do next— and I was scared.

"I'm going as fast as I can but there's traffic, you brick-head," Nate was also fuming. Under such distress, the Alpha was driving erratically, nearly hitting a curve when he took the turn too close. I no longer felt safe being a passenger with these two in the front seats.

"Please, Nate," the desperation in my voice finally broke the Alpha from his manic behavior.

"I'm sorry, Curly." He jerked the truck to a screeching stop. Stuck behind a whole line of cars, we waited to get through the roundabout intersection. It didn't help that we were in the middle of town too. All things Theo didn't care for at the moment.

"Fuck!" The Alpha began to curse, releasing his anger onto the dashboard. What was left when his fists finally slowed was the mangled plastic frame. Triggering old fears, unconsciously, my body began to shake, my eyes watching Theo turn into someone else. Someone I didn't know.

"Theo..." my shaky voice did nothing to calm the rabid beast down. The whole thing jolted a faded memory, back to the first time I met him: cold eyes with an unwavering drive to fight. I thought he had changed, far from that Alpha everyone had known to fear. And the quick switch in temper now brought me to face the reality that I may have something to fear about him now.

Nate wasn't too thrilled at his truck being destroyed, but he bit his tongue, knowing the other's hair-triggering temper would spur on another tantrum. He slowly pulled his truck around, circling the roundabout before he made a left turn, in the opposite direction of the packhouse.

"You dipshit, you missed the exit!" Theo went ballistic once more. A heated growl stirred from Nate, the verbal barrage from Theo was pushing him past his limit.

"We have to get Remy to the safe-house," his voice struck down with a strong cord. My brain was too racked with fear to care about my own safety.

"It's part of the plan, remember asshole? Let's just get him there before we—"

"No! Turn around right now!" Theo demanded. The Alpha smashed another hole into the dashboard, creating a deep crater in the truck's interior.

Nate looked back over his shoulders to find me clutching my seat. The hard look in his brown eyes soon wavered to concern. The Alpha temporarily regained his cool. Drawing in slow, steady breaths, he made one last attempt at reasoning with the wild beast next to him.

"Listen, you dick, yell at me like that again and I'll deck you. We have to get Remy to a safe place. Tyrus can wait—"

"No!" Theo exploded, attempting to grab hold of the steering wheel. Nate pushed him off, the truck swerving into the other lane, barely missing a passing car. The blaring of the horn rattled us, coming this close to a near-death experience.

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