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He takes a puff of his cigarette and lights it up while he hums a tune and walks into the distance.
Ugh always a hassle with that guy (you mumble and walk back home) the town is in complete meltdown, there are lots of rumors about "the afton family" and you even heard rumors about how they're satanists...there are a few groups of kids from school that have been going missing recently...but there is absolutely no trace of any of them. Hmph not my problem and not my siblings you think as you eavesdrop on some girl's conversation… "I've heard that their parents do black magic or something..."

"I heard they do weird things like rituals and stuff like that..."

"I heard they drink blood too..."

"I'm never going to that house...or near any of them.."

they continue to gossip
Ok there is no way those are true but I'll keep my distance you think as you sip your coffee and stare into the distance leaning against a wall the taste of peach ice lingers in your mouth your vape tucked nicely into your bra
the house of the afton family is huge and it was rumored that their house was cursed...the rumors weren't really just rumors, it's been said that everyone went missing at the afton household

you see the afton family leave the house and get into their car

The father, William, is driving, the mother is in the front seat, Elizabeth is sitting in the back seat, and Evan is in the trunk...the car drives out and disappears in the distance. I didn't know they lived right here. I thought it was further down the road.
the town is in complete turmoil, more and more people have gone missing...it is now a rule that all kids must be home before 7:30 pm and 7:00 pm if they're near the afton household...

On the news, the news reporter shows a drawing of a missing teenager that was last seen when she went to the afton household...this teen was the 15'th kid to go missing… Meh I'll stay inside more- you thought sitting on your bed. You shrugged and continued drawing.

On your bed you're still sitting...and your drawing is almost done...then you notice something, the window in your room begins to shake. That doesn't look good you mumble and quietly get up...this better not become my problem you think as you reach for the pocket knife you keep under your pillow and slip it into your pocket

Hi Again-Micheal Afton x reader Where stories live. Discover now