-part 9-

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"oh look there he is!" gabby said excitedly pointing to one of the players.

he was wearing the traditional red barca jersey with a number 6 on it, the name above the 6 read gavi. i'm sure if you looked at gabbys search history you would see a lot of the same thing.

the game had just started, and neither gabby nor henry knew what was going on but when everyone started cheering they joined in.

my eyes, unlike gabbys, we're trained on the ball. i watched as the cleats ran after it, and i noticed that a lot of the time they were gavis.

at half time it was 2-0, and barcelona had 0. i noticed the team looked pretty down and i knew that they would never win if they kept their heads down.

i was reminded of my soccer team back home and how whenever we got down, we did the most annoying thing we possibly could, we sang.

it made us feel connected and although it made a few peoples ears ache, we still did it as a luck charm of some sort.

"fuck this," i mumbled to myself before standing up.

"what are you doing," gabby and henry said, but i simply ignored them.

i cleared my throat before projecting my voice, "give me a second i, i need to get my story straight."

the voices of the crowd began dying down and many people were giving me strange looks, but i continued.

"my friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state."

henry and gabby joined in with me, "my lover she's waiting for me just across the bar."

"my seats been taken by some sunglasses asking bout a scar."

a few people around us began to join in as well, "i know i gave it to you months ago."

"i know you're trying to forget."

"but between the drinks and subtle things, the holes in my apologies."

by now our whole section was singing it, well everyone who knew it, "you know i'm trying hard to take it back.

"so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home tonight."

the players on the field had begun to notice the singing, and a few were staring at me. not surprising as i was standing on top of my seat and singing the loudest.

"we are young, so let's set the world on fire. we can burn brighter than the sun."

"tonight, we are young. so let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun."

"now i know that im not, all that you got."

"i guess that, i just thought that maybe we can find new ways to fall apart."

i began to smile as half the stadium was singing, and the smiles began to return to the players on the field. some people had even began to stomp to the beat.

"but our friends are back, so let's raise a toast!"

"cause i found someone to carry me home,"

"tonight we are young, so let's set the world on fire. we can burn brighter than the sun."

"tonight we are young, so let's set the world on fire. we can burn brighter than the sun."

"carry me home tonight, just carry me tonight."

"carry me home tonight, just carry me tonight."

"the moon is on my side, i have no reason to run."

"so will someone come and carry me home tonight."

"the angels never arrived, but i can hear the choir."

"so will someone come and carry me home?"

"tonight we are young, so let's set the world on fire. we can burn brighter than the sun."

"tonight we are young, so let's set the world on fire. we can burn brighter than the sun."

the people in the stadium who were singing went silent, and i was the only one to sing the last verse.

"so if by the time the bar closes, and you feel like falling down, i'll carry you home tonight."

i sat back down in my seat and henry and gabby beamed at me.

"major theatre kid moment," henry joked causing me and gabby to laugh.

half time ended and by the end of the game barcelona managed to score 2 more points, and the final score was 2-2.

as we were leaving a hand pulled me into a secluded hallway. i looked up to see gavi, still slightly sweaty. even though he was only 5'8" he still towered at least half a foot over me.

"eres la chica que estaba cantando bien (you're the girl that was singing right)"

"si, por que (yes why)." i asked him, still shocked by the whole situation.

"¿quieres venir a nuestra práctica mañana? (do you want to come to our practice tomorrow)"

"Quiero decir, me encantaría, pero ¿por qué me ofreces? (i mean i would love to but why are you offering)" i asked him.

"No sé, pareces una persona divertida. (i dunno you just seem like a fun person to be around)" he said with a grin.

"¿Puedo traer a dos personas? (can i bring two people)" i asked, still in disbelief.

"sí, te veré mañana a las ocho (yeah, so i'll see you tomorrow at eight)"

"yeah, yeah," i said grinning up at him before jogging off to catch up with henry and gabby.

"hey where'd you go?" gabby asked me.

"i'll tell you later," i said, still smiling.

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