-part 21-

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"hey henry?" i called out from my room.


"is there a bookstore nearby?" i asked hopefully.

"yeah, i can take you there on my way to the post office!"

"okay thanks!"

twenty minutes later henry came into my room and plopped down on my bed.

"you good?" he asked me.

"yeah just a hangover," i said rubbing my temples.

"did you take tylenol?"

"yeah i just did," i said gesturing to the tylenol bottle on my nightstand.

"so are you ready?"

"yeah, how long is it gonna take you at the post office?"

"um probably like fifteen minutes, but i also have to run to the grocery store."

"okay let's go," i said getting up quickly, i immediately regretted it as i almost fell over from the lightheadedness.

"first hangover huh?" henry joked.

"shut up," i said as i walked out of my room.

ten minutes later we had arrived at the bookstore and i jumped out of the car, "thanks for the ride!"

"anything to get rid of you!" he said with a smile.

i waved bye to him, sarcasm was normal in our family. i entered the bookstore and noticed it was all in english.

"hello dear!" an old lady said from the counter.

"hello," i said smiling at her.

"are you looking for anything in particular?"

"nope i'm just looking around."

"well i'm caroline, so just call my name if you need help with anything!"

"okay thanks!"

i put my headphones in and started playing my playlist, i began to skim the shelves of the store. i always looked forward to shopping at a new bookstore, as i usually got bored of them pretty quickly.

a lot of the books were older, and it was nice to see fresh titles. i had grown accustomed to the same old books, written by the same old authors. all ones that i had read dozens of times.

i found a book that caught my eye, the pages were dainty and delicate. it was about a seamstress, and how she became the biggest bollywood star of her time.

i walked up to the front desk, and caroline was turned around fiddling with a bookcase behind the desk,

"i'm ready." i voiced, and she turned around with a smile.

"oh i remember reading this book when i was your age, you remind me alot of myself back then," she said as she rang me up.

"how so?" i questioned as i got my wallet out.

"you look entranced by the books, like each of them holds a portal to another earth."

"well in my eyes they do," i said with a smile as she handed me the book.

"will i be seeing you here again?" she asked with that sweet smile of hers.

"yeah i suppose so," i said before walking out.

henry was already waiting for me outside, "find what you were looking for?"

"definitely," i said with a grin.

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