-part 43-

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"okay chicos, we have a very important game tomorrow. work hard during practice today. go start on stretches." xavi said to the boys, who were all circled up around him.

gavi and pedri stood next to each other supporting each other.

"hey xavi? where's the bathroom?" i asked the man.

"oh just go straight down that way to the left." he told me, still watching the boys.

"okay i'll be right back," i told him before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

as i was heading back i realized i was lost. well shit. i was wandering around trying to find my way back when i passed the kids club practice.

"hey you!" one of them yelled. "come play with us."

"i dunno i'm a little rusty," i said while i walked up to them.

"there's some spare cleats over there!" one of the girls said pointing to a shelf.

i found my size and put them on, man did i miss wearing cleats. i walked over to the kids and one of them asked, "what's your name?"

"i'm y/n," i said with a smile.

"well y/n you can be on our team," a girl said and i nodded.

one of the boys started with the ball and passed it to me. i dribbled down field and to my surprise one of the defenders took the ball right out from under me.

he passed it to a midfielder on his team and i waited for a defender to pass it to me, and once i got the ball i faked a few of them out and dribbled around them, i passed to another midfielder on my team when i got trapped by defenders.

he passed back to me once i was clear and i aimed for the left corner of the goal. i kicked with all my might and i made it.

the kids on my team all came and hugged me hard. i laughed at one of the kids who tried to do a cartwheel in celebration but instead fell down.

an hour later we were still playing, and it was tied 1-1. i dribbled the ball downfield and i passed to jorge, one of the midfielders on my team. he aimed for the bottom right corner and made it.

we all cheered and they all came to hug me again. the same kid who tried to do a cartwheel earlier, sebastian, tried again and this time he did it successfully. we all cheered for him too.

"look it's gavi and xavi!" a girl named anna yelled pointing to the bleachers.

i turned and waved at the two and they climbed down from the bleachers. xavi rubbed the top of sebastian's head, and gavi greeted a few of them.

the kids adored him, i could tell by the looks on their faces. and i knew one day they would all be able to play on a professional team like him.

"we thought you were missing kid," xavi said rubbing the top of my head.

"i got lost," i said with a shrug.

"you played good," pablo said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"all thanks to my team here," i said gesturing to the kids on my team.

"yeah it was all us!" jorge yelled out to which gavi and i laughed.

"isn't it kinda unfair though," gavi said tilting his head.

"hey they still kicked my a-" i said before gavi covered my mouth with his hand.

"no cursing in front of the children," he said calmly removing his hand.

"my bad," i whispered to them.

"gavi you should play with us too!" anna suggested.

"scared?" i asked teasingly.

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