-part 25-

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"hey pedri," i said picking up my phone.

"hey y/n," he said.

"so i was thinking...do you and pablo perhaps want to come over and watch a movie tonight?" i asked him hopefully.

"yeah sure, can you send me the address?"

"yeah, be here around 8," i told him before hanging up and sending him the address.

"hey guys pedri and pablo are going to be here at 8 to watch a movie," i announced to henry and gabby.

"but that's in three hours!" gabby exclaimed, looking away from her conversation with henry.

"yeah whatever, i'm heading out to go get some snacks!" i yelled as i grabbed the house key and headed out the front door.

i walked out of the neighborhood and into the streets of barcelona. it was cloudy outside, but it was still pretty hot. luckily, there was a nice breeze to cool me off.

i walked into the local market and headed straight to the snack section. i grabbed some popcorn, chocolate, some sour candy, and some valentina, which i was surprised they sold here.

"fancy meeting you here," a voice said from behind me.

"holy crap, pablo you scared me," i said turning around with a jump.

he did nothing but grin, "i like when you say my name."

"yeah yeah, whatever," i mumbled, heading to the checkout line. he followed me, but i just ignored him.

"you're like a lost puppy," i said as i paid for the stuff.

"yeah yeah," he said waving his hand as he examined the stuff i got.

"these are my favorite!" he said excitedly, holding up the bag of m&ms.

"lucky i bought them then," i told him as i walked out of the store.

"so why are you here?" i asked him as we walked down the sidewalk.

"pedri got annoyed with me so he told me to leave," he said making a pouty face.

"understandable," i said under my breath. i felt something hit my forehead so i looked up at the sky.

"shit," i said, as i began getting pelted with rain.

the two of us began running towards the house, and we began to get soaked.

as we turned a corner he grabbed my waist and turned me toward him. luckily no one was around. he pulled me closer and i dropped the grocery bag onto the floor. i wrapped my hands around his neck as he pulled me closer.

he leaned in and i did the same, as our lips met we stood in a moment of complete bliss. i ran my hand through his wet hair and he pulled away.

"i think i like when it rains," i whispered.

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