-part 19-

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"damn this place is nice," i said as we pulled up to the club.

"yeah, i'm meeting a few buddies here," uncle cooper said from the drivers seat.

we all got out of the car and the check in guy simply looked at my uncle and opened the door. the inside was white, everything, and i mean everything, was white.

we were only in there for a few minutes before the lights turned off, and the pounding music started up.

gabby and i went to the dance floor but i kind of just stood there awkwardly.

"come on loosen up!" gabby said, handing me a glass full of some sort of alcoholic drink.

i hesitated a bit before chugging it, the burning that was in my mouth followed the liquid down my throat.

i felt myself loosen up and a few drinks later i heard a voice behind me, "funny seeing you here."

"ha- ha, look it's pablo!" i said drunkenly.

he furrowed his eyebrows, before i noticed the song that was on.

i began singing along to the lyrics drunkenly, "a little context if you care to listen."

"i find myself in a shit position," i sang while pablo watched me sway around.

"the man that i love sat me down last night and he told me that it's over dumb decision."

i realized how much this song related to my current situation, and in my drunken state i did the worst think i could have.

i turned around and took a few steps closer to pablo.

"y/n, you're drunk," he said taking a step back.

"i don't care," i whispered before snaking my hands around his neck and pulling him closer to me. i leaned in to kiss him and to my surprise he wasn't stopping me.

when i realized what i was doing i pulled away, "oh my god."

i waded through the crowd and saw gabby sitting at one of the booths, i plopped down next to her and put my head in my heads.

"i'm totally fucked," i mumbled to myself. i mean my best friend had had a crush on this guy for years and i just had to go and kiss him.

i looked up to see pablo and pedri at the bar, and once we made eye contact pablo looked away. i groaned before leaning on gabby, luckily she was so drunk she couldn't even tell that something was wrong.

oh lord what did i just do?

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