Chapter 1

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Johnny's fear of everything that could possibly happen if him and Robby didn't find Miguel by midnight was finally settling in. It wasn't until they decided to search abandoned or less populated streets, where a teary Miguel appeared in the spotlight, thanks to the headlights. Robby didn't exactly get out the car yet, even though he was technically going to face Miguel at the fighting arena. Though he was curious- why was Miguel practically sobbing, when he seemed to be at least okay with Hector prior?

Clearly things weren't okay, and Robby ignored his feelings just for a second, to walk out of the car. He halted in front of Johnny's car when he realized Johnny embraced Miguel, as they were having a moment. Robby's eyes wondered into Miguel's in the nick of time, as Miguel did the same simultaneously, undeniably weak in front of his enemy. But he was too weak to care for once.

Hector noticed Miguel outside hugging Johnny, but because they were together, he didn't notice the FBI logo, or Miguel crying. Hector didn't feel like Miguel was a threat, so he was confused when he noticed Robby's shirt. However, Robby had turned to get back into the car (this time in the backseat), and he read the back of the shirt. Hector of course wasn't going to attack unless he had to, but he did wish to understand. Was this a weird joke?

Hector didn't have the chance to speak to any of them as the second he called out "hello", loud enough for them to hear as he was making his way to the door, Miguel and Johnny rushed into the van and sped off.

"Anything going on you want to tell me?", Johnny asked trying not to raise his voice too much.

"I'd appreciate it if we rode in silence", was all Miguel coldly said, despite his gratefulness.

"Okay", Johnny said knowing better.

But knowing Johnny, after about 2 hours of complete silence, he pulled into a gas station purposely.

Both Miguel and Robby seemed to be so transfixed looking through their windows they didn't realize where they were until Johnny clapped.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"What do you want", Miguel said annoyed. Robby just acknowledged Johnny silently.

"I'm tired of this silence! You're both going to go in there, take a piss, and grab something to eat- for me too. You know you need both of those."

Robby rolled his eyes.

"If you're so hungry why not go in yourself?" Miguel asked.

"Because I'm not the one being stubborn. Now go."

The boys knew Johnny wouldn't give it up, so they mutually got down and went in, not saying a word to one another. Johnny didn't have to know they didn't speak. Robby went to the restroom first, under the assumption Miguel would stay away- and he was right. Miguel began surfing for snacks before heading to the counter where they had somewhat food- corn dogs, hot dogs, and pizza slices.

Some older looking drug addict whistled behind Miguel. Miguel rolled his eyes ignoring it, not realizing it was towards him until the guy poked his back.

Miguel turned confused. Robby had exited the bathroom by now and was in an aisle that paved a clear way to the counter.

"Hey pretty boy", said the stranger.

"Uh. What's up?", Miguel asked, trying to be nonchalant, and not rude. Robby glared Miguel's way when he realized who drug guy was talking to.

"Got any spare cash?"

"S-sorry. Um. No. I can share my food with you if you'd like.." Miguel said praying the guy would leave it alone.

Drug guy laughed.

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