The Beginning

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"Hey Brother Wukong!" Azure Lion walked over to his friend along side Peng. "We thought of a fun challenge for you and Macaque."

Wukong perked up. His bottle thunked onto the table as he attempted to give his two brothers his attention. "A challenge?" His tail flicked at the idea of a new challenge for him and his best friend.

Peng and Azure shared a smirk. "Yeah. See the brotherhood wants to know which one of you is the better romantic."

Wukong cringed. "What? Why?" He knew that some people really bought into the whole romance thing, but he never expected that from Azure and Peng of all people.

"Brother Ox thinks Macaque would be a better flirt than you. Elephant thinks you'd both be terrible." Peng scoffed. "I'm with Elephant on this one."

Wukong stood up, tail flicking behind him agitatedly. "I'm not a terrible flirt! I could out flirt anyone! It can't be that hard."

Azure smirked. "Then prove it! Go flirt with Macaque. Whichever one of you gives up first or admits the other is better wins."

Wukong frowned. Something about that didn't make sense but he did enjoy a good game. "Ok! I'll definitely make him swoon!" Wukong shook his hips with a giggle.

The drunken monkey skipped over to where his darker counterpart was sitting and started chatting away. Azure and Peng smirked at each other. "This'll be entertaining." Azure mused.

"And with any luck that spineless rat with end up leaving with his tail between his legs. Or Wukong makes a total fool of himself. Both are highly entertaining." Peng chuckled. "Our brotherhood doesn't need any cowards chasing after our glory. Macaque needs to toughen up."

Azure chuckled. "How much do you want to bet that Macaque gives in by the end of the night?"

Peng scoffed. "Please. Like that shade loving monkey has... any... what the?" Azure followed the confused avian's gaze to a surprising sight. Wukong's face was bright red, fur sticking up as Macaque leaned into his ear. Mac's tail traced a path around Wukong's arm, face confident and bold. It was only now that Azure noticed the bottle held loosely in Macaque's hand.

"Where did that come from?" Peng hissed to a dumbstruck Azure. "Azure, if you start acting lovesick too I will stab you."

"Calm yourself, brother." Azure growled. "You know Wukong isn't one for romance in any form. This was more of a joke than anything else."

"Macaque has certainly been holding back if he's able to be this bold!" Peng hissed. "Why is he not like this the rest of the time?"

Azure shrugged. "Who knows? He's the most reserved of our brotherhood." He observed the two monkeys. "Maybe he's not seeking his own glory."

"Anyone that in love with Wukong is welcome to him. Crazy monkeys." Peng shuddered. "I want nothing to do with that nonsense."

"Of course not." Azure placated, snorting. "Let's see what kind of nonsense they're subjecting Brother Ox too."

"Well, I might be stronger but you give better plays than any human or celestial performer, Liu'er!" Wukong stuttered. He didn't know when Liu'er learned to flirt like this and he didn't understand why it made his stomach feel like he'd tried swallowing a firework again. "Your shadow plays are second to none and it makes me happy to see the passion and effort you put into them!" He huffed not realizing he was pushing into the other's space.

Macaque's eyes were large as he started down at the ginger. Slowly a smirk grew on his face, he leaned down until they were face to face. "You like my passion, Sunshine?"

Wukong squeaked and immediately pushed the giggling Macaque's face away. "For your art!" He clarified.

Macaque chuckled, tilting back away from the other simian. "I like your passion too, Wukong."

Wukong resisted the urge to hit something. "Have I ever told you how pretty your fur is? It always seems to glow as the sun sets." Macaque's tail flicked happily.

"You're one to talk, Handsome Monkey King." The dark furred monkey teased the king. "Seeing as you shine as brightly as the midday sun, and have a heart twice as warm." Macaque smiled gently as the shorter simian sputtered for a moment.

"Well," Wukong poked Macaque's cheek, trying desperately to ignore his growing blush. "You have the most beautiful ears in all the celestial realm. They look like glowing petals in your fur. Pale Moonblossoms that shine in the night." Wukong's voice grew soft as he stared at his friend. His finger tracing around one of Macaque's glamoured ears. For some reason his heart raced at Macaque's wide eyed look.

Macaque's hand clasped around Wukong's. "You think my ears are beautiful?" The shadow sounded breathless. "Really?" At this point both monkeys had forgotten the rest of the brotherhood were all there. So wrapped up in each other they didn't even notice DBK slipping away to speak with Azure and Peng.

"What's happening? What did you two say to him?" DBK hissed to Azure and Peng, gesturing to the two monkeys. Both just awkwardly chuckled and went back to eaves dropping.

Wukong frowned. "Of course I do. They are!" He looked up at Macaque with determination. "If anyone tells you otherwise I'll kill them." He knew that Macaque had been mocked and ridiculed for his ears in the past. This is why he hadn't shown anyone else in the brotherhood his ears.

"Heh," Macaque leaned down to whisper directly into Wukong's ear. His free hand lightly pressed onto the other's shoulder, pulling him close. "Thank you, my king."

Wukong felt steam rise from his own ears. "You, you are welcome." He cleared his throat. It didn't feel like he had proven himself the better flirt yet. "You're really good at this." He muttered, glancing away. His tail curled around his leg as he leaned back against the table.

"Good at what?" Macaque questioned, tilting his head into the hand Wukong still had pressed against his ear. He seemed distracted. That won't do.

The king huffed. "At flirting, Macaque." He ran his figures through the black fur under his palm. This whole endeavor had been making his body react in strange ways. Fireworks in his stomach, a racing heart, and his face almost felt like it was on fire. Was he getting sick? Was it the wine? Macaque didn't look any better.

Macaque's attention snapped back to Wukong. "What?"

"You are annoyingly good at flirting. How?" Wukong would deny he was pouting until the day he dies. Which considering his stack of immortalities, is never gunna happen. The taller monkey froze for a moment before he threw his head back and laughed, almost falling out of his seat. Wukong jumped at the sudden sound. "What's so funny?"

Wiping a tear from his eye, Macaque smirked. "I'm the six ear macaque, Sunshine. I can hear anything. I've been hearing people flirt for years." He pinched Wukong's cheek. "I picked up a few things."

"You must practice all the time then," Wukong mumbled. "To be this good. Lots of people swooning for the six ear macaque?" He hoped he didn't sound as upset as he suddenly found himself. Why hadn't he heard Macaque flirting before if he was so good at it?

"Now why would I flirt with just anyone," Macaque looked amused. "When you've been here the whole time?" He booped Wukong's nose. For some strange reason it seemed like Macaque's voice was lower than before. Wukong wasn't sure when he'd lost any sense of control in this contest but no way was he backing down. They all think he's a bad flirt? He's going to prove them wrong!

"Tomorrow night!" He blurted out. "Would you like to stargaze with me?" Macaque blinked at him in surprise before he shyly smiled.

"I'd like that."

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