The Gift

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Wukong spent the next two days running around the mountain. He kept what he was doing a secret from Macaque. Finally he found what he was looking for. Gift giving! It's romantic to give someone a gift. Right? He was lucky Ma and Ba remembered where he put it, although he wasn't sure why they told him he had to gift it in a special way. Regardless , this is perfect! He ran right to Macaque, prize in hand. "Moonblossom! I have something for you."

Macaque turned around, raising an eyebrow. "The thing you spent the last two days running around looking for?"

"Yes." Wukong nodded. "I ended up having to ask Ma and Ba where I put it." He held a small gourd to the other monkey. "Here you go!" He froze remembering Ma's advice. "Please accept this gift as a token?" Macaque's jaw dropped and he slowly took the bottle.

"I accept your token." He murmured, ears bright red. "But what is it?" Macaque shook the bottle, brows rising as he heard a sloshing sound.

Wukong smirked. "That, my dear Liu'er, is the last of the immortal wine I stole from the Celestial realm." Macaque's neck cracked at the speed it snapped from the bottle to the king. "What?"

"You are gifting me immortal wine?" Macaque gaped at the king. "Seriously?"

Wukong nodded, face oddly serious. He stared intently at the other monkey. "I can't spend an eternity eating peaches with you if you aren't immortal." His tone was joking and his posture was loose but there was a tension coiled within the king.

Macaque looked at the gourd and uncorked it, taking a sniff. Wukong's tail stilled. The ebony monkey took a small sip, amber eyes lost in honeyed gold. He pulled it away looking at the drink in surprise. "That's actually really good." A satisfied grin spread over Wukong's face. Macaque took another sip, pausing as a thought hit him. "This is barely alcoholic. How much did you drink to get so spectacularly drunk?"

"That's definitely not important." Wukong chuckled, blushing. "I'm glad you liked the gift." He waffled on his next move before throwing his arms around Macaque. "I totally wasn't nervous about you liking it."

The ebony monkey giggled. "Sunshine, you pretty much told me you want me by your side for all of time. Of course I'm going to like it." He nuzzled the shorter monkey's ear. "You are such a silly monkey sometimes. My silly monkey." Macaque cooed. "I can't believe you were so nervous about giving me immortality."

Wukong buried his face into Macaque's neck, grumbling. "Gifts are important, right? I didn't want to mess up." His heart was pounding at the other's gentle teasing. No matter how grumpy he pretended he was he couldn't hid the massive smile taking over his face. "Only for best for my Moonblossom." Suddenly Macaque started chuckling. "What?"

"Imagine how- hahaha! How angry Peng and DBK would be if they learned you still had immortal wine and didn't share with them." Macaque was cackling at the thought. Wukong pictured Peng fluffing up like the birds on the mountain and burst into giggles.

"We can never tell them." The king gasped, trying to catch his breath. He leaned into Macaque to stay upright. "They would never forgive us."

The taller monkey wiped away a mirthful tear. "If we ever do please let me tell them, Sunshine. Their faces would be amazing."

Wukong held onto his dear friend for a moment considering his words. "Nah. I'd rather keep this between just the two of us." His face burned brighter the longer it took for Macaque to respond. Eventually the taller monkey just hummed and started to sway.

"If that is your wish, my king." Macaque whispered into russet fur, his breath brushing past Wukong's ear.

The king felt a shiver race down his back. Another weird thing to add to the list. He decided not to worry about it too much, content to sway against his Moonblossom under the sunny sky. Wukong laid his ear against Macaque's shoulder and sighed. "That is nice." He mumbled, listening to the other's quiet humming. "What song is it?"

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