The First Date

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Wukong ran around the cliff side pulling out hairs and tossing down cushions and blankets. A not inconsiderable amount of time had been spent collecting the best fruits from around the mountain. He'd already spent the day searching for the best view of the stars, eventually settling on the mountain where he'd been hatched. The small pond and surrounding cliff provided a calm atmosphere, none of which had an impact on the frantic monkey. The sun would be setting in less than an hour and he still had to bring Macaque up there. No way would Liu'er ever be able to top this!
The short king looked around the clearing. The blankets were set. They had pillows. There were peaches, plums, bananas, and mangos. All of their favorites. The sky's were clear and the weather was perfect. All that was missing was-

"Looking for me?"  Wukong spun around with a squeak. The taller monkey was leaning against a tree with a small smirk. For some reason his fur seemed softer and fluffier than normal and his glamor was down, revealing his glowing ears. Wukong's eyes locked onto the soft pink, blue, and green ears. When Macaque starts to self consciously fiddle with his tail Wukong looked away blushing.

"Liu'er! How long have you been standing there?" Wukong started messing with his fur. An unusual sense of unease filled the ginger monkey. The fireworks from last night had returned.

"Not too long." Macaque considered the tower of blankets and pillows. The king had created an almost comical pile next to the pond. "You really went all out for this." He strolled over to the ginger with a small snicker.

"Of course I did!" Wukong sputtered. "I'm a king at romance!" For some reason he had a hard time meeting the other's eyes. Why did he have to have such an endearing laugh?

Macaque gave the shorter monkey a little smile. "Is that so?" His voice went soft as he examined the Monkey King. "Relax, Sunshine. It's just me."

"I know that!" Wukong sputtered. "I'm just making sure you aren't dazzled by my handsomeness." He boasted, gesturing to his face.

Macaque chuckled. "I was the one that suggested that title, Peaches." He poked the frozen simian's cheek. "Sun is setting, Wukong. And as much as I love staring at your face while the sun sets I think we should sit."

"You like staring at my face when the sun sets?" Wukong stared at Macaque as he took a seat on the blankets. After a moment the sage joined him. "I like looking at you in the moonlight." Macaque flushed. "The way you glow under the stars is just so..."Wukong trailed off, a small smile graced his lips as he studied the flustered monkey. After a moment his words processed and his fur puffed up. "Anyway! Stars. Hahaha. Have a banana, bud!" He shoved a fruit into taken aback Macaque's hands. That was weird. Does that count as flirting? Am I winning?

Macaque chuckled. "Smooth." His tail flicked in contentment as the ginger plops down next to him. The pillows next to him collapsed and burst into fur.

The shorter monkey flushed. "Shut it and look at the stars." He shoved a peach into his mouth, glancing away from the dark furred monkey.

"Your wish is my command, oh Handsome Monkey King!" Macaque teased, laughing. After a moment Wukong joined him. The two monkeys leaned against each other, laughing under the rising moon.

Macaque surveyed the stars, shy smile gracing his lips. "This was a really nice idea, Wukong." The older monkey's face burns after the compliment but a grin spread over his face.

"What did I say? I'm the king of romance!" The shorter monkey boasted, placing a hand on his chest.  "What's more romantic than a night spent looking at the stars?" This will definitely prove that I'm the better romantic.

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