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angelica's pov - august 11th

I've never really felt scared before, just paranoid. I've spent the majority of my life on an island off the coast of California. It was always calm here until Ellie showed up eight years ago. I liked having her here, she was my built in sister.

But as the days pass by since I've known Ellie I can't help but feel like we are always expecting a scary turn of fate. Usually, it was my anxiety, but as we sit here mourning the death of Joel I feel angry. The angriest I've ever been. Why was someone always hurt? Why was life so unfair to us.

It was only three months ago that a group of people left after hearing a distressed radio call, leaving me and a few others alone. We knew how to survive here, I wasn't worried about that. No, I was worried about my family.

The two of them left me here on the island while they had business to deal with and I just had to wait. No way of knowing what was going on, as always. I never asked questions knowing it would provoke reactions I didn't want to deal with. I did not enjoy strife and confrontation.

I watched Ellie row back to shore, bloodied and tattered and I started crying. Not even sure what I was dealing with. I ran towards her, a million questions I could barely hear leaving my mouth as I internally assessed the damage visible on her body.

I knew Ellie like the back of my hand but looking at her through wet tears was the first time I realized this wasn't my Ellie anymore. A large gash is the first thing I noticed across her jaw and a gaping hole near her abdomen.

After she was back for two months I started getting antsy. Time moved too slow and everyday was the same. She barely spoke to me. Never speaking unless she had to. She spent all day on high alert, startled by anything and everything.

As I lay on the couch exhausted from the day I look towards Ellie as she sharpens knives, "I'm going to rinse off here soon Elle, and collect some fruits." She doesn't look up but nods her head. Something about her silence feels morbid. She was always a chatterbox but it was plain as day she was fighting with herself.

I slip on my sandals and grab my fruit bag hoping to collect enough for breakfast tomorrow.

It was a warm August night, and I smile thinking about how my hard work gardening is being rewarded by the abundance of produce.

As I walk through the orchids and vineyards I can't help but feel as though I'm being watched. It wasn't unusual to feel alarmed from time to time but I felt an uneasy ball form in my belly rapidly. I remind myself Ellie would've heard if someone paddled ashore. Still, I grip my dull knife in my fist harder.

I can't help being shaken up from the day she came home, I nursed her wounds myself and stayed up plenty nights watching her chest rise and fall. Hoping she'd just make it one more day. Who could blame me? I had a right to feel this way, but as five months of this misery had gone by I had hoped this feeling would vanish. Or at least ease up.

Grabbing pears and oranges I smile gingerly at the grapes, fond memories of Joel surfacing. Satisfied with what I've grabbed I head towards the clear sandy water. I sway my bag through the ocean and gently wash tonight's pickings.

Staring at my brown eyes I can't help the tears that threatened to spill over but before they get the chance I plunge my face in the water and scream.

I scream for Joel. Scream for Ellie. I scream at the sad lonely life I am destined to live. Pulling my head from the water I don't bother opening my eyes and just sob. Was I supposed to live here till I died with Ellie? Someone who may never be the same again? Someone who doesn't want my comfort? Living a life in deafening silence.

After a few minutes, I collect myself, afraid to let my mind slip into a dark eerie headspace. I hate being weak but it's all I am. I'm not like the people in my life, I wasn't meant for any of this.

I clutch my bag to my side and make my way to the greenhouse, needing to make sure the temperature isn't too warm for my veggies. After saying a few sweet words to the heads of lettuce and potato plants I turn around and bump into a hard chest. I look up into blue eyes and my brain freezes. Temporarily shocked at who this is.

Right as my body kicks into gear, she reacts. Whoever this is, is quick enough to knock my knife out of my hand and slam my body to the dirt ground. I can feel all the breath leave my lungs instantly, leaving me gasping. I try to twist and turn my body in hopes to get away. But this woman was strong, her rough hands drag me back towards her by my ankles and I gasp at the pain. As I go to scream or simply inhale more oxygen I feel a rag placed over my face. I claw at her arms but it's no use. I'm too weak. Taking deep breaths and blinking profusely I look up, staring into those damn blue eyes.

My body goes slack as my brain is processing everything. I'm tossed over her shoulder and I can feel how strong she is. I never stood a chance. The last thing I felt was being tossed into a boat and an immense amount of dread fill my body.


OMG, how is it?? i'm severely fucked in the head so if you are into that kinda thing... welcome my bae this is a safe space

teheheh plz is this good? i've spent days trying to get this chapter and the first few out of rough draft mode T-T

lmk shawty

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