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abby's pov - november 22nd

Today felt like a disaster and I'm starting to question my ethics. Angelica has been getting on my nerves with how careful she has been. She does her best to not anger me and walk on eggshells near me. Which makes me so mad, mostly at myself but also at her. Why can't she see?

She has been here a little over three months and I can feel my plan slip out of my fingers as more time passes. I don't know why I suddenly feel compelled to make life easier for her.

I thought taking her on a supply run would shock me back into my hunger for revenge, but it did the opposite. It made me realize the need I had to protect her.

We continue walking and I stare back at her every once in a while, though she does her best to not meet my eyes. The moment I see the box car in the distance I sigh, hoping to escape this insufferable silence. But part of me wants to console her, I've concluded that was her first encounter with an Infected. I can't bring myself to say anything.

Taking my keys out and unlocking the door I let her walk in first. I watch her bend down and untie her shoes making me choke on my spit. I shake the thoughts from my head and walk towards my room.

I decide to shower, needing to rid myself of today's sweat and blood. She sits at the bar top drinking her water slowly, I decide to speak up. "Go shower Angel, I need to talk to you."

Surprising myself and possibly her, she nods. I can hear her shuffling around as I try and think about what I'm even going to say.

I lather my pine body soap into my hands and lather it everywhere. Feeling dirty and overwhelmed. I quickly finish, anticipating our talk.

Before long I hear sniffling come from her room. Slowly opening her door she she sits on the bed brushing her hair while she cries.

"Are you ok-" I try asking her but she cuts me off.

"I am so scared Abby. I am not meant for this life, I want to go home. You kidnapped me from the one place my father made sure I'd be safe. Away from everyone. Doing my part to survive." She yells at me, the brush being thrown across the room. Not before she widens her eyes and I slowly realize what she meant. She pinches the bridge of her nose and deeply exhales.

"What are you saying?" I ask her but I already know. This is some sick joke, isn't it?

"What I'm saying is I was perfectly fine living on that island. With Ellie. Joel taught us everything we'd need to survive there. They left and only Ellie came back. I'm sure you know this story." She looks at me threateningly.

"But I was at enough peace knowing Ellie was alive, that whoever killed my father must've been miserable enough already. I did not need revenge. I didn't care to know who did it." She whispers and drags her hands over her face.

My chest starts rising and falling rapidly. This new information is making my body hurt, I knew they all were familiar but to think Joel was her dad? I didn't realize... they don't look much alike. What happened to her mother? Oh my god, I killed her father and she never had any plans to rebuttal. She never hated whoever killed him. From the very beginning.

Before I can stop my feet I'm running over to the toilet and start dry heaving. She slowly approaches me and puts her hand on my shoulder, sending a jolt of electricity through me. Why is she comforting me? Is she really that sheltered and innocent that she'd not hate me?

"Angel.. I didn't know. I had no clue, I didn't take you for that reason. I swear, it was just because of my own reasons with Ellie. I don't even know if this all makes sense anymore." I sighed getting up and pacing the room. She follows me.

"Abby, you need to calm down. Why are you reacting like this? You kidnapped me and mocked about how you killed Joel, how I'm here for revenge." She speaks but my ears ring.

"You don't understand.. things are different now. I'm different now." I shake my head, feeling myself come to terms with the consequences of my actions.

"How is anything different now than almost four months ago?" She asks getting in my face. I stare into her brown eyes, wondering if I'm about to say this out loud.

I did.

"Because.. because four months ago I wasn't in love with you!" I shout at her, watching her eyes widen and lips part.

I said it, I thought I'd feel better.

It feels like the weight of the world is crushing me.

I grab my coat and slip my boots on. I need to get out of here. Shaking my head not believing what was happening I can hear Angelica but I'm not listening.

"Abby wait.. where are you going?"

"You can't just forget about this, Abby you can't leave me here!" She shouts but I run out the door, making sure to grab my shotgun and backpack.

I head to the only place I can think of. I feel embarrassed and confused. I run as fast as I can, needing to further the distance between her and me.

yooo was we expecting that????? SLAY

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