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angelica's pov - november 22nd

I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling wondering how things came to be. I have barely spoken to Abby in the last few days, doing everything she asked without a thought. She had me completely bent to her will and she knew this although she never rubbed it in. She knew I would never dare go against her.

It would be a lie to say the last few months I've spent with her didn't influence my... feelings. I've watched her out of the corner of my eye, noticing how she tenses every time the sun sets. Or the furrow in her brows while she reads. She even holds her morning cup of tea in a specific way.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes, you're going to be following me today." She says peaking around the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tell her okay and begrudgingly continue brushing my teeth and hair.

I'm almost excited because it's been a while since I've been outside. But that means being around all the others who look at me like I'm some trophy.

"Listen closely because I will not repeat myself, Angelica," she says while shrugging a bag over her shoulder as I just nod for her to continue.

"I expect you to stay behind me, no more than four steps. Do not speak to anyone unless I've given the okay. Are we clear?" She demands, unlocking the door and pushing it open as I watch her muscles strain.

"Yes Abby," is all I can mutter.

It feels almost alien to have the sun cascade down on me. The wind tickles my face and sends a shiver down my spine as I try to soak it up. Although it's short-lived when Abby clears her throat and hints at me to follow her. I stay as close as I can while struggling to keep up with her long strides. We continue walking for about thirty minutes and I'm to no surprise winded.

Before I know it we approach the stadium and it's as lively as ever. Abby leads us over to a truck bed and helps me get up. I'm suddenly self-conscious, feeling her hands cover the expanse of my back and thigh. I'm not nearly as fit as her.

Sitting down I try and calm my breathing before I'm thrust into whatever this is. I smooth my hands over my sweater and untuck my hair behind my ears. Trying to build the smallest barrier that I could.

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, you are safe." She smiles at me, tucking the right side of my hair back behind my ear. With a spinning head and clouded judgement, I nod and give her a small smile.

I'm handed a mask and Abby helps me put it on after I ask her why we need them. Some guy with missing teeth says something about not inhaling spores.

I try to slow my beating heart not wanting to seem like a wimp, but it's the truth. I am weak and fear something very wrong is going to happen. We ride for nearly an hour before stumbling upon a town, it looks abandoned and fog rests gently on the untouched surfaces.

Abby nods for me to follow her and I tightly grip the tethered end of her backpack strap, afraid I would disappear if I let go. Everyone splits up into groups and I'm left with Abby and Mike.

We make our way towards a large white house with green trim. I can imagine this place was once a beautiful home to a family. We approach the house and I almost trip up the stairs but thankfully no one notices. My cheeks still redden at the thought of Abby somehow catching a glance as I catch my footing.

By the time we reach the third house is when my anxiety slowly decreased, no signs of Infected near us. Abby walks through the living and dining space too fast for my short legs so I stray behind to check out something I know to be a piano.

My fingers ghost the top of the keys and I can't help but feel happy. I pick up a book and start reading 'Mozart; 14 Of His Easiest Pieces', but haven't a clue what any of it means. How do people read music? Before I can find my way back to Abby and Mike I'm met with a scary sight.

A hideous creature whose face has protruded and whose arms hunch make their way towards my frail body in an instant. Screaming before I can shield my face I start shifting backward, falling on my ass. How could I let my guard down? This was it, I was going to be bitten any second. Kicking my feet towards the monster I cry out for Abby.

Screaming over and over, "Abby! Oh my god... Oh my god.. Abby!" I scramble around trying to further the distance between it and me.

Just as I start to lose faith I see her figure towering over the Infected, cocking her shotgun and blowing its brains out. I feel the tiniest amount of blood splatter across my face and I feel as if my body is on fire.

She ushers towards me helping me stand, asking if I'm okay, checking my body to see if I was bit. I rip my arm out of her grasp and bang my fists on her chest.

I yell at her, "I didn't want to be here, I want to go home." She lets me hit her. "I just want to go home," you say closing your eyes and leaning into her chest. Barely flinching when Mike comes back saying they got enough to head back to base.

She wraps her arms around you and sways side to side. He doesn't give a second glance as I push Abby away and follow him. Making sure to be hyper-aware of my surroundings this time. The adrenaline pumping through my veins rapidly.

The ride back to town was spent feeling numb and drowning out everyone's voice. She kept her eyes locked on my face. Furthering my sour mood. What was even worse was the walk back to the box cars we resided in.

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