Grian and his chaotic friends

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Grian, standing on his Diamond Pillar: I see no god but me!

Scar, who Pillar is taller: Are you sure about that?

Grian, turn slowly towards Scar: Repeat that again...

Scar: UM! I said- You are very confident about that! Yup...

Grian puts his rocket launcher away: Yay U_U


Grian: I love coffee...

Grian: Coffee makes the world go around... and around!

Mumbo: Grian- Give me the coffee...



Mumbo: SO! Grian I'm your best friend, right?


Mumbo: I'm. Your. Best. Friend. Right?

Scar walks in: Hey guys!

Grian: Scar!


Mumbo: There can only be one...


Grian: I love sarcasm! It's like punching people in the face, but with words!


Grian: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!

Grian: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*

Grian: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.

Mumbo, who is watching: What the-

Scar, who is filming: Hmmm good to know!


Grian: Say no to drugs.

Grian: Say yes to drugs.

Grian: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs, cause if you're talking to drugs... then you're on drugs. 

Mumbo: Um- Grian... Why are you walking to a plate?


Impulse: Scar- Mumbo-? Why do you guys look terrified?

Mumbo: G-Grian...

Impulse: Did something happen?

Scar: Head- Hunt...

Impulse: Oh- NO!

Grian, skipping towards Impulse: Pesky~ Bird~ Oh~ Oh~ Impulsy~ Here I come~

Impulse: ahhhhhhh


Iskall: Grian can't be that bad when he has coffee!

Scar: If you dare go one be careful...

Mumbo: Good luck... You'll need it for sure.

Iskall walks into his Grian room: Hey- G...

Grian: HEHEHE! Hmmmm- WORLD GOING ROUND AND ROUND! HEHEHE! Ohhhhh~ Look a rabbit walked in- wait a RABBIT!! DIE!!!!

Iskall: AH HELP!


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